Kidgetober 2020 Day 2-Open

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Keith was filthy, smelly and tired. He hated going through war zones looking for supplies but some things were only located on specific planets. So he went where he was needed and got what he had to. His only goal was to get back to the ship and sleep for a week. This mission should not have taken as long as it did and he was glad to have a break.

Back on the ship, he grabbed his data pad and let his messages play while showering up. Thank goodness his room had a bathroom attached and he didn't need to use the communal showers. He wasn't totally focused on what he was hearing as the messages played through from the last week, but that all changed when he heard Pidge's voice. Curious he paused and stuck his head out of the shower then froze. Crap.

"Keith, I'm sorry I know you are busy, really busy. But, I, well I fucked up. I said I had this boyfriend a few months ago to keep Kyle off my case. Remember, Kyle the guy who kept asking me out. And I kept saying no...well, I lied. I felt weird saying no and so I invented this boyfriend. Cuz I'm so stupid! Sorry but you were the person whose name came to mind and well, the shit has hit the fan. IF you can, and I know you probably can't and this Is some Hail Mary pass BUT if you can can you please please please,  pretend you and I are dating and well, shit, come to Ryan's wedding as my date. Damn it this sounds so dumb. Never mind, okay this probably was a waste of my time but "


Keith ran out of the bathroom after basically just turning the water off and frantically looking through his mail. Shit! He knows he was invited but where the fuck is it? Throwing papers around he finally found the Invitation. FUCK, looking at the calendar he realizes the damn wedding is today. He is determined to make it to Pidge's side. He can get Cosmo to get him there. No biggie. 

Luckily he needed to have some nice clothes for some ambassador thing and they basically said he could keep the tux. He throws it on and pulls his still wet hair in a pony tail and runs out of his room looking for his mom. Yelling, he bumps into Krolia in the main hall, and confusedly asks him what Is going on.

Keith hurriedly explains he needs to be at this wedding for Pidge. His mom smiles a really suss smile.

His mom states, "How nice, an earth wedding, I'd love to go." 

Frustrated Keith tried to keep his patience. "Yeah sure mom but I need to leave now. And um, you really aren't dressed for a wedding."

"Can't you wait for"

"No mom! I gotta go now...Cosmo!"

"Hmm, okay Keith, but what is the rush? And what's this have to do with the small one?"


"Fine Keith, let's go."

Keith holds onto Cosmo's back and says, "Cosmo-find Katie."

At the hall, he hands over the invitations and once in, he asked the first person he saw for Pidge. He tried to push down the sense of panic he was feeling especially because his mom was finding his behavior so funny. Walking around the perimeter, he sees Mr and Mrs Holt and they point him in the right direction.

He can barely make out the top of Pidge's hair when suddenly people move and he has a clear view. It's like a sea parting. Damn, she looks gorgeous. She has on a red and black dress that hugs her curves and as she shifts the material looks like its shimmering. For fucks sake. Does she realize she's wearing his colors? Does she know what that does to him, to see her in something that smacks of his? MINE. MINE. It's like a neon light flashing in his head.

Hands shaking, he takes In the group she's in-noticing everything, every small detail. She elected to wear some shiny sneakers instead of heels, hair twisted up yet looking like it's about to fall and as Keith quickly approaches her from her side, he can already smell her intoxicating scent. He's just about to tap her shoulder when Kyle trails a finger down her very bare arm.

He growls and pushes his way to her side, anchoring her to his side with his arm. And as she turns to look up at him, time stops just for a second. But that's all it took. He's done.

Looking down at her he pulls her even tighter to him and kisses her mouth-hard, hungry and demandingly. He sweeps his tongue into her mouth and explores every recess, kissing her as deeply as he could. He Isn't even thinking he's just acting on his very strong impulses. He needs her, so much. And he's so fucking tired of pretending he doesn't. MINE.

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