ValenKidge 2022

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ValenKidge 2022 Series of short snippets that will create a short story following dialogue prompts for each listed day. Enjoy! AND of course I'm already behind!

Feb 6- "Shut Up and Kiss Me"

Keith is walking around the Garrison feeling as out of place as when he was a teen. Back then he would train and sleep. Or sneak out. Steal a car. Start a fight. Not many options were available to him back then. Hell, at that time in his life, he could not imagine a world that would accept him and he did not even know he was half alien at that point. It is truly crazy how life could take so many twists and turns. And yet, through all that, still some things do not change.

And while at the moment he did not see anyone he knew; there was definitely a small part of him regretting his decision to let his mom take Cosmo. However, today he knew he just had to be patient. He would find his people. His family. Walking and pointedly ignoring the looks and whispers, he recognized that he probably should have let the team know that he was back on Earth for the unforeseeable future.

Sighing, he thought of his options and finally decided to try Hunk's new restaurant that he opened on base to kill some time before he knew everyone would be free. Maybe Hunk would be working. He knew Shiro had meetings and Lance was probably not even on the base. He wished he knew where Pidge's new lab was but it was top secret and he did not want to interrupt when she was trying to recreate - when suddenly his arms were full of...Pidge. Whoa.

His senses were hit with so many elements at once that he was having a hard time processing. She yelled his name right before she wrapped her arms tightly around him; he was overcome with a sense of ... rightness. His arms closed around her reflexively and he pulled her even closer. She was in her work clothes, which meant he could feel her heat and curves.

Damn, no body armor distancing her from him. Then he was overcome with her scent surrounded him and he swore he could feel her heartbeat racing. He could not help the way his chin nestled her hair or the quick intake of breath that he took. God he missed her. More than he realized, because right now his mind literally was just filled with her.

Hearing footsteps, he quickly glanced around trying to see if anyone else was around. No, no Lance or Hunk. Hmmm. Then he his gaze landed on a tall, muscly man with glasses and blond hair stop in front of him.  Staring. No at him, nope his gaze was solely on Pidge.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you-"

Keith instinctively held Pidge closer and opened his mouth to reply when he heard Pidge's whispered command, "Shut up and kiss me."

Keith froze and looked down at her upturned face. She was definitely talking to him. She grabbed his shirt front and pulled. Keith stared into her eyes, thinking, okay she knows what she is saying and more importantly to who. Wordlessly, they held each others' eyes and well. He's not a complete idiot. He did what she commanded.

Feb 7-"Thank you for staying."

Keith's mouth fused to Pidge's. No peck or brushing of lips for him. Nope, if he was getting a shot at kissing her, well he was not wasting it with grammar school kisses. Nope, he was going straight to madness. He kissed her deeply and with all the want he had stored for her. His tongue instantly swept in her mouth, tangling with hers. He did not want to be too aggressive but he was also desperate for this moment.

He dreamed of it. Woke up in a cold sweat worried he could not dare risk their friendship. Had nightmares that he tried and lost her. Dreaded coming home and finding her with someone else. Desperate to keep the status quo even though it killed him.

But then she commanded him. Ordered him. So he was not going to waste this opportunity. Fortune favored the bold. He could be bold. He would be bold. He did not dare not to. So he did everything he wished he could and kissed her with a single focus to imprint himself on her.

His hands gentled, his left thumb lightly caressing her lower back under her button down while his other arm surrounded her molding her to his body. Fingers spread out, hoping to feel her passion. His head tilted and he fought for a better angle. His mouth moved over hers voraciously. His tongue tangled with hers and she dueled with him, an equal as always. Perfectly matched to him. His other half.

Her groan reached his ears as her hands reflexively tightened on his neck and shoulder. Keith need more. More contact. He picked her up by the waist and she wrapped her legs around him. She bit his lip and then instantly soothed him by sucking on it. It was Keith's turn to growl and he was right about to return the favor when a loud voice made it's way to his consciousness.


Keith slowly separated his lips from hers. Slowly opening his eyes, he met the angry gaze of the blond man and frowned. Who was this creep?

Pidge slowly lowered her legs and turned in Keith's arms. Leaning against him, she let him support her and stated slowly, "This is Keith, my boyfriend. I told you I was with someone. Repeatedly. Now you see. This was never going to happen Todd."

Todd looks like he wants to argue but they are gathering a crowd. Keith keeps a firm hold on Pidge and gives him his meanest glare. At least he was told it was icy and dead.

They wait until he leaves and then Pidge looks up, face flushed and meet his eyes, "Thank you for staying."

Keith somehow jerks out a nod. Then she elbows him, "Why did you not inform me you were coming back on planet? Hmmmm?"

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