Kidgetober 19-21

348 10 50

19 | Cemetery

It's a dark and windy night when five high schoolers stand at the entrance of the cemetery. All because of a dare. Lance, the instigator, dared Pidge that she wouldn't make it across the cemetery at midnight. Pidge promptly took said dare. All the while Hunk begged Pidge to reconsider-to no avail.

Lance's girlfriend and Pidge's bff is currently pissed at both of her loved ones for being so stubborn. Allura had spend the 20 minute car ride arguing against this insane idea.

Unfortunately Pidge as the youngest of the group feels like she cannot say no. She needs to prove herself! Not to mention she is a woman of science. Ghosts, vampires and zombies are great scary story tools but have no place in real life.

Pidge looks at her friends and grins. "Okay guys, meet me at the back, I'll be there, safe and sound. Or I'll be dead. Either way, it's been fun."

With the attitude from his girlfriend, Lance is seriously starting to feel bad about his dare to the youngest and smallest of them. He tries to retract his dare stating, "Look Pidge you don't need to go through with this. I was just being dumb. Obviously you aren't scared so let's just end this now. Hell, it even looks like it might rain and you know you hate being out in the rain."

Pidge shakes her head in the negative "I'll meet you." With that, she confidently walks into the cemetery after effortlessly picking the lock.

As the four stare at her retreating figure, Keith notices she doesn't even turn around.

Feeling annoyed, Keith barks out a command for everyone to get back in the car. He accelerates quickly making the trip around the cemetery faster and a little more dangerous than necessary especially in this dark and moonless night.  Keith made it around in 15 minutes and he feels his senses going crazy. He doesn't have a good feeling about this but he doesn't know if it's the fact that she is alone or if there is something else. He has a bad feeling. And he's learned, he needs to listen to his instincts. As the car skids to a stop, he jumps out of the car. Picking the lock of the back gate he stands alone in the wind. Eyes searching. Scanning. When Lance tries to get him to get in the car his look quickly has the tall lanky boy going back to the car.

Impatiently he figures he'll give her ten more minutes. If she's walking straight across is shouldn't be longer than that. After five minutes, the storm clouds move in and he tosses his keys to Hunk, announcing, "I'm going to see if I can find her. It's going to storm."

He walks out into the cemetery and ignores the calls from his friends still in the car. Fucking Lance, always having to push things and Pidge always rising to the challenge. Walking quickly he makes his way to a hill to try and get a good look around. He thinks he sees something, but then Pidge comes flying and practically falls on him. What the hell? She doesn't run.

Pidge screams and tries to wiggle away but Keith grabs her holds her close, "Pidge!!! Katie! What's wrong? It's me!"

She looks up and hugs him. "Ohmygod ohmygod. Keith! We gotta go. Fast!"

He jumps up, pulling her up with him, keeping his grip on her strong. He looks out and the flash of lightning hits just in time to light the area like stadium lights. He sees a group of people looking...for Pidge? "What the hell?" He grounds out pushing her in the direction of the car.

"Okay so I was right, no zombies, ghosts or ghouls but damn it, I did not think of cults or weirdos! I swear, they were going to kill this giant dog that looked very similar to a wolf and you know how I feel about wolves. So I um let it go and maybe scared them. Then when they realized I was alone...let's just say that I've never been happier to see you."

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