
139 11 37

Alternative AU-Salem MA

The group is just about to start a ghost tour due to Pidge's meticulous planning. It was always Pidge's dream to visit Salem, MA-the site of the Salem Witch trials over Halloween. As luck would have it, this year Halloween was on a Sunday and they had a academic decathlon nearby so she talked everyone into a weekend get-a-way.

Looking at Hunk, it was easy to see he was simply terrified. During the day, he could pretend they were all just on a regular vacation. Laugh at the ridiculous shops and supposed historical sites. Enjoy the food and joke around. But it was night. And they were doing a walking ghost tour that had them trying to converse with ghosts. Let's just say, she didn't tell him that they would be trying to make contact beforehand.

Lance on the other hand was trying to take advantage of the 'heightened feelings' that being afraid caused. He was currently trying to cozy up to a pretty girl who was dressed as a sexy witch. Complete with a cute hat and wand. She imagined he would be busy all night.

Shiro and Matt had decided to sit this one out and do a date night at a popular restaurant. Which they deserved but also left, Allura, Keith and Pidge on their own.

Pidge was suddenly feeling like a third wheel. Allura looked super cute in a sexy cat outfit, especially since her hair really set things off. Keith was dressed in his usual jeans, black t-shirt and red hoodie. She had opted for comfort for this walking tour so she had on her black vans, black shorts because it was hotter than hell here and a plain white t-shirt. She did bring a pseudo black leather (pleather) jacket with a hood just in case it got cooler but...she didn't costume it up. She hated the obligation to look sexy so she opted to just herself. Then cuz it was so hot she ended up pulling her hair into a sloppy pony tail.

There were about 25 people with their host for the tour so it was crowded and though the guy had a microphone, it was hard to hear. She knew the history well enough so it wasn't a big deal but she was currently walking alone. This was their 3rd stop on the walk and it was pretty dark. Hunk and some girl who they knew from the decathlon were walking and talking which was cool and Lance was still with the other group of girl witches. Somehow she had gotten bumped and was now at the end of the pack.

Alone. It wasn't a big deal because she wasn't afraid but still. This just was not what she had planned. Sighing, she figured Allura would get everyone to agree to go to the bar that had the costume contest she wanted to go to. She didn't mind but that wasn't ally her scene.

As she was walking she found herself looking at a crazy cool library. Watching the group stop ahead, she figured she could take a peak in the window. The architecture was amazing and she liked libraries.

She shuffled over and looked through a window. They gave her one of those EMF (electromagnetic field) meters so she held it up trying to see if anything was around. She could still hear the crowd so she figured she could easily catch up soon as she could hear the group. Walking near the back of the building she heard a rustle so she turned the corner, holding the EMF reader in front of her. Nothing. While not a surprise, she realized it was seriously dark. She turned only to bump into a very large guy. "Oof!!"

Stumbling she tried to catch her step but the ground was not level here. The guy caught her arm and pulled her to him. "Oh, sorry and um, thanks?" Pidge was trying to see him but he was tall and in shadow.

The guy chuckled. "Hey pretty girl. Perfect timing. That was boring as hell. Wanna make out?"

Fuck. "Yeah, no I'm good. I actually gotta go back" waving her arm to indicate behind him, "there. So yeah, bye."

As Pidge turns to go around him and leave, he holds tight. "Hey man, I gotta go. Ya know I already paid for the damn tour so, can't miss it." Pidge is starting to get nervous because it seems really quiet all of a sudden. "So, bye."

"How about a kiss? Just one. I know you were asking for it, coming over here, leading me here."

"Yeah that's a hard no."


"NO, don't make me get rough!" Pidge now is starting to pass being  nervous and land in fucking pissed when she yanks on her own arm to try and get free. Shit! Matt is going to kill her. Damn it!

Just as she is pushed into the very cold stone wall of the library, she is suddenly free and sees the back of a very familiar head.

"Keep your fucking hands off my girl!!"

Suddenly there is a alot of movement and Pidge is trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Then she hears more voices and it appears the big guys friends have come looking for him. Pidge looks down to see him knocked out, bleeding on the ground and looks into Keith's eyes.

She opens her mouth but doesn't make a sound, instead waves her hands like a crazy woman. Keith nods and is suddenly grabbing her hand and pulling her along. They run for a few minutes then Keith slams into a door and they are suddenly IN the library. He carefully closes the door and pulls her this way and that way. Suddenly they are in between the shelves and he pulls her closes. Both are breathing a little heavy and Pidge is frantically trying to figure out how he even knew where she was!

Both are quiet while they hear the commotion outside. Keith pulls her even closer so it's like they are embracing and he tugged them into a little alcove. Finally once it quiets down, Keith whispers, "So...this is a library."

Dude. Whispering back, "What just happened?"

Keith suddenly looks annoyed, "Don't ever run off like that again. If you are going off grid, tell me! All of a sudden I look for you and see you sulking off, and then see some asshole follow you. You are lucky I saw everything. Don't make it easy for guys to corner you."

"I didn't notice him –"

"Really? You didn't notice him standing by you, trying to get close to you?? Pay attention to your surroundings. He was on you all night."

Pidge blinked, "huh?"

Keith stared at her for a minute, "Do you not realize how cute you are???"

As she stared blankly at him, he bent his head, "Okay, then you probably don't know how much I like you. So, ever been kissed in a library?"

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