April 27 Forget Me Not- True Love, Memories, Rememberance

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Hi all! Latest spring event chapter that is late as per my usual. HOpe you enjoy and please ignore any typos!!! This has seriously been the longest week ever!!!

It was already the fifth anniversary of the end of the war yet the memories remain so vivid. As the remaining Paladins and Coran sit around the table and share their memories, hopes and fears from that time it really struck Keith how much they have all grown. Thinking back, Keith recognized that he tended to act in his own interests and had a hard time communicating effectively. Honestly, looking back he is shocked that they were able to pull out the win.

It was a lot of blind faith and luck that they got through it as they did. Even with their losses. Dinner had transitioned into drinks and desserts and Keith could feel himself relaxing even more. Laughing about the time Lance and he tried to swim for the first time in the pool on the castle. Teasing Shiro about how he always picked a character as close to himself as possible. Complainign about how awful food goo was! Just so many memories. Keith's mind drifted as the conversation flowed around him.

Inevitably his thoughts returned to Katie. He doesn't know when that distinction came about but over the last 5 years, in his head at least, when he thinks about her it's Katie versus Pidge. He tries not to say it aloud though because the last time it slipped out he got a ton of teasing from Lance about calling her by name. Stupid idiot.

Somehow seats were moved, videos were shared and Keith found himself next to Katie. He noticed her shiver and he shrugged out of his coat and placed it around her shoulders. When he pulled his hand back his fingers brushed across her neck, he just couldn't help it. He found himself needed to touch her and it was getting downright addictive. Each visit, he'd find a reason to brush her skin, feel her heat. Damn, he was getting wound up. He could feel his heart racing and wanting ...more. He needed a sign, what should he do? Risk it all and put it out there?

Absently he noticed her drink was low, so he refilled her glass. Then ate the peanuts she left from the sundae. After a while, he could tell she was hungry again so he pushed his piece of cheesecake over to her. He knew she liked the strawberry sauce and when she picked up his fork to eat it his heart stuttered. Her mouth...his..it was the same, oh man, what he wouldn't give to put his-


Blinking, Katie taps his arm with her finger, talking over a mouthful of cheesecake, "-Anne wants ooo know 'ow long" unintelligible words, "Kay?"

Keith blinked, "I don't actually have a date when I planned to leave this time. I kinda left it open ended. I um, wanted to feel out a few things."

He looked up and saw 4 confused faces. "What?"

"How the hell do you know what she said?" Lance exclaims arms failing about.

Shiro smiles, "Well you know these two have a special connection. Right Ketih?" Then he winks.


Keith could feel himself flushing when Shiro continues, "All right. Time for bed, picnic tomorrow-fireworks tomorrow night. Let's meet at my house at noon. Which seeing as how it's already 3 isn't that far off."

Everyone agrees and stood. Lance scooted around and started hugging everyone. Hunk soon followed. Shiro hugged Katie and then Keith realized he was standing next to her. He wondered if he hugged her if that would be weird...after all he usually doesn't initiate the hugging. He raised an arm when Cosmo suddenly appeared, launching himself at Katie.

After a few giggles and pats, Keith says, "I'll walk you back, I think Cosmo needs a visit."

Walking through the path, Katie gasps, "Keith look forget me nots. They typically are this blue color but look there's pink and white here too." Walking deeper in the garden, she reaches for Keith's hand and pulls him deeper in the garden. "Did you know there are over 200 species and they are poisonous if eaten." Noticing Cosmo sniffing, "No Cosmo-bad!"

Keith grins, THIS. He missed this so much. Her rambling of facts, her excitement and honestly just her presence. Maybe he should tell her. Tell her he wanted more than just friendship. He wanted a relationship. But he didn't want to ruin what they had. Fuck.

Katie continued, "So in Germany there's this story of two lovers walking along the Danube River. Of course the dude picks the flowers for the woman, but unfortunately, he's a klutz and falls in and is swept away. He dies but somehow manages to tell her not to forget him, and BAM, there we go! It is said that his beloved wore those flowers in her hair until she died, never finding another guy and SOOOOOO now they symbolize faithfulness towards your love. Crazy huh?"

Keith pulls Katie into his arms. This was it. A sign. Faithfulness, love, forever. This was it, he had to tell her. Holding her close, he bends his head down to hers, "Katie, can I kiss you?"

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