Kidgetober Day 8 - Tradition

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Happy Halloween!! Love you guys and please continue to leave me comments or feedback. Also thinking of getting back to  one of my other stories...Any prefences?!?

Tradition. Honestly, she always thought it was such a joke. Tradition. Not important to the girl who was good at math. Not to the girl who loved science and dirt. Not to the girl who'd rather be an inventor than a princess. Tradition didn't mean crap to the girl who cut her hair and snuck into the military. She always felt like tradition was a cop out, a way to get people to fall into line. She was the girl who did not accept the truth she was being told and dug deeper...and deeper.

Tradition...noun...the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.

Yeah she wasn't really the traditional sort. Who cared what your parents did before you? It shouldn't define a person. Who cared who you loved? Who cared why you didn't like something everyone else did? Yet here she was...holding onto something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Because while traditions could be limiting...they could also mean something, more. So yeah, she had her nana's hankie along with some new converse. Yes, when Coran asked if she would wear something of his she said yes. And when Lance asked her to have a wedding bouquet of blue daffodils with pink carnations...she said yes.

Because all of these people, she loved. They helped her become the woman she was, while appreciating the girl she used to be and well, they all loved her back. So maybe people didn't think of her as traditional. But as she walked down the aisle with her dad's arm in hers, as her eyes filled with tears thinking of all those they lost...and met those eyes of who still remained, she embraced that she viewed traditional in a non traditional way.

And as her dad put her hand in Keith's, and saw his eyes filled with love and promise, she recognized that yeah she could be traditional. For the important things. Traditional in marrying a man who understood her and recognized her worth, traditional in vowing to stay true during the good but especially in those bad times and traditional in the sense, they were getting married and vowing before all they knew to put the other first.

It wasn't an easy choice. Forsaking all others. Or well honestly that wasn't what worried her, both Keith and her were faithful. What worried her was compromising. Especially when you knew that you both could be complete assholes. Often, with tempers and selfish tendencies. But, here she was. In a white dress (okay, off white if you want to be completely honest), with flowers in her hand and their friends and family surrounding them. Both alien and not.

But then she looked into Keith's eyes and saw not just her past and present but a future.

So maybe they weren't completely traditional but in the end, she was marrying her best friend. Keith. No one else even matters.

"You may kiss the bride."

Traditions, yeah, some traditions are great though.

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