Just Friends Part 2 - Conclusion

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Okay my friends, SophieRodrigez167 very nicely asked for a part 2 so this is it! I hope you enjoy!! It as usual got away from me but it did put me in the mood to write so now, hopefully, I will get back on my schedule and update my other stories. I've been enjoying summer break by reading on my kindle and other fan fiction. Please comment and let me know your thoughts!!!

Matt walked out of his room after changing and heads down to the kitchen. Sighing he wondered if he was really ready for this. His baby sister, Katie, Pidge, to be with a man, Keith at that! Her other half. Shit. Maybe he should've kept his mouth shut. After all he was the one who initiated this. Who was he to have second thoughts? He walked down to the kitchen and sunk into a chair. What did he do?

As Matt sat there moping, his dad walked in and paused. "Matt? Hungover?"

Matt sighed, "Nope that would probably be better. I think I messed up. I saw how much Keith was fucking," at his dad's raised eyebrow, he quickly continued, "pardon my language, hopelessly pining over Pidge and I—I gave him a nudge."

Sam smiled, "Yeah I picked up on that when you all came in late last night with all the winks and teasing. And laughing. So what's the problem?"

Matt sighed again, even louder. "Dad...it's just that what if, what if, it works?"

Sam just stares at Matt. Matt stares back before feeling the need to fill the silence continues, "Dad! They could date, and like it, get engaged, and and then MARRIED!"

The rest of the guys strolled in during the last part of the sentence. Everyone pauses and looks around. But Keith stops when he hears the word married. Face red he looks down, at his shoes, and quietly but firmly states, "I get it. Matt, you don't want your sister to marry me. I understand, maybe, maybe I should just leave, yesterday we were all"

Matt jumps up from his chair, feeling like shit. "NO!! Don't move! Look," Matt takes a deep breath, places his palms on the counter and continues, "it's not that. Not really. I'm fine if it's you marrying my sister. Honestly, I never really thought about it before. She hasn't dated a lot, there was an intergalactic war, and then once again...no dating. But now, it's more the thought of MY little sister, having someone who would well, be before me. Like she would turn to you and" voice lowering, "not me anymore. I won't be her go to person anymore. I won't be able to walk into her room down the hall and plop on her bed. Tease her by pretending I stole whatever robot she's working on. Shit."

Matt sat back down and put his head in his arms. He muttered, "It has nothing to do with you. Shit, you and her are perfect for each other. If I'm honest, you guys have been practically dating for years. And I think it's great but shit, it's just this is going to change everything once it's official."

Everyone got quiet. Each thinking about what this meant to their own relationship with the intelligent and wickedly sarcastic young woman.

Hunk reflects that he won't have a taste tester on call anymore.

Lance thinks about how he won't be able to play video games all night anymore.

Shiro reflects that Keith will be the one who will be responsible for taking care of her,  instead of him.

Even Sam pauses and reflects about how this will change the dynamics of his family.

After a moment of quiet, Sam startles everyone by commenting, "Change is neither good nor bad. It just is. Yes, your relationships will be different but look at what benefits those changes can have. New friends. New love but that doesn't mean replacing. Sorry to say the laws of physics don't work with this. You can create more love out of nothing! So Keith, my boy, what's your plan? Because while I believe all that I'm also not ready for my girl to be off planet more than not."

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