On Your Side

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Keith is having second thoughts about being in charge of the transition of the Blades from super spy organization to humanitarian organization. Doubt fills his head, who is he to think he can run something of this magnitude?!? He didn't even finish his time at the Garrison. He's a troublemaker, a drop out, not some hero, despite the last few years. He's starting to panic and figures he should leave now. Before Shiro can talk him out of it. But who should he talk to...he doesn't want to worry his friends or family.


Pidge meanwhile is working late, despite being sick and being told (or yelled at - depending on the person) repeatedly, by EVERYONE to go to bed and get some rest. Hmmmpp! Rest is for the weak! I'm fine she thinks to herself! Suddenly there's a sharp double rap on the door. Crap! It's her mom!!! She trades her T-shirt for an old Garrison T-shirt from Matt, whips off her pants and yanks the covers down, throwing it on her latest project. She lays down in bed, trying to look innocent and sleepy.

Two more raps. A little louder. Huh, were they trying to wake her up...or test her?? She lets out a sleepy sounding, "Who's there?" Damn she didn't turn off the light!!

The door is suddenly pushed open and Keith's head pops in, "Are you sleeping? I can come back later."

Pidge pops up, (in a very nasally voice) "Oh it'z jus ou, no I'mmm okay. Whaz up? Come in, quick!"

Keith quickly comes in and sit on the edge of the bed. After a quick glance, his face takes on a concerned look, "Ummmm, yeah, I heard you caught a nasty cold, how are you doing? Shit, you should be sleeping! *glancing at the glowing light beneath her blanket* not doing whatever it is you are doing!" His hand waves over the light.

He then reaches said hand out to press to her forehead. She tries to evade but he's having none of it. "You have a quizacking fever! Did you take anything?"

Pidge nods in the affirmative. "Yez, zur, took the meds. I'm fine! Let me ive my life!"

Keith smirks, "Oh, *eyebrow raised* this is you living your life?"

Pidge groans, "Waz there a reazon uh came to visit, somehow I don't tink you were checking on my health!"

Keith stiffens, "Um yeah, so, I just wanted to let someone know, I'm, leaving. Can you see if Kolivan or my mom can run the Blades...help them?"

At this news, Pidge sits up. "What!? Why? Did sumting happen? Do you meed help?"

Keith shakes his head, "No, no, nothing like that! I just realized, the Blades need an experienced leader. Who is smart and can help them through the change of becoming a humanitarian organization."

(Cosmo poofs in) Keith grabs hold of him and stands. "Take care of yourself, lots of water. I'll check in soon."

Pidge realizes that Keith is just planning on poofing out on her! Hell NO! Not on her watch. She leaps onto the both of them and suddenly they are in a spacecraft. Keith looks shocked as hell and Cosmo looks extremely happy. He's licking her face and yipping. Keith on the other hand looks startled and vaguely uncomfortable with a handful of a semi-undressed Pidge.

Keith yelps, "What the hell?"

Pidge replies, "Bitto!"

Cosmo licks the both of them and curls around them. Keith looks down and sees Pidge is somehow straddling him on his sleeping pallet in the ship. As he slowly looks up, he feels himself get really hot, like he's the one who has the fever. She's pressed against him, his hands are on high on her thighs, she's warm and smells...like Vicks? Suddenly her small and capable hands are on his shoulders and he instinctively wants to hold her tight and arch up. Instead he freezes.

Pidge on the other hand is realizing again how being sick must have short circuited her brain. Because she is rather enjoying the situation she has found herself in. FFFUUUCCCKKKKK.

So she takes a deep breath, and asks Keith, "So wat iz thiz little tip really abut?"

Keith stupidly replies, "Huh?" As he slowly drags his gaze up, from her thighs, where the Garrison T-shirt has pooled around, up her unencumbered body to her her eyes, which look larger and then back down to her lips...which he is suddenly overcome with wanting to taste.

He shakes his head and says, "huh?"

Pidge smirks, feeling more womanly than she ever could have imagined...ever. Takes a deep breath, noting Keith's eyes tracking the movement, and leans forward to whisper in his ear, "Whazz goin on?"

Keith, murmurs, "I have to go, *deep inhale*, the Blades need someone else, somehow better with more experience and education. I'd just mess it up."

At this, Pidge stiffens for just an instant, and Keith prepares himself for her her agreement or her fake belief in him. Because he knows Pidge doesn't lie, doesn't soften the truth and he knows the truth. This is what he needs. So he hold on to her and freezes.

"Keef," with a gentle hand on his chin she brings his gaze up to hers, "you're it."

At his head shake, she questions, "Why the boubt?"

He slowly intakes a breath, letting it out just as slow, "I have no education. I'm a drop out. Hell not even a drop out, I got kicked out!  I'm not even all Galra. I don't fit in, I've never fit in. And I can't hold them back! I...this is too important."

At this Pidge wants to yell at him but NO, why do you doubt yourself but that's not what he needs now. Shiro would slowly change his mind, Lance would joke and tease and Hunk would sympathize while getting him to change is point of view. But, they aren't here. It's just her...so she will use facts and make him see, he can do this.

Keith realizes Pidge is holding him, tightly, and he slowly feels his anger and resentment fade. She understands. He knew she would.

Finally, Pidge leans back and while stroking his neck with her thumb, playing with his hair in her other hand, she feels him slowly relax, that's when she states, "You're bright. Let me end a tra...mission to the Barrison, I'll come with you."

He freezes. What?

Nodding she continues, "I hab a degree eber, I don't know what I was thinking, pecting to go back to work, like I "

Keith is shaking his head in the negative, "NO, you're smarter than anyone there!! You have to help them, you know what's at stake!"

"No, they hab Matt n my dad, hell eben my mom. They ont need me. What the hell... I know?"

Again Keith interrupts, "No one has seen or have had your connection to life and machines like you! You can't quit. Has someone said something? Was it James? I'll "

Pidge presses her fingers to Keith's lips, "xactly, now bay all that buff to yourbelf hot shot! Do you noow that *finger quotations* educations is ot a prebictor of buccess? Look at jill Gates! Did yoo now that Thomas Edison failed mo many timez hiz friendsz baid, give up and he...like the boss he wuz , said, I just figured out 10,000 wayz to not do it? Keef, you CAN du thiz. I hav complet faith in yoo. And yoo now, if I didn't I'd say somebing!"

PIdge brings her forehead to his, "yoo got this, I know you do!"

Keith holds her tight, and they just kinda fit together, in a way that will keep them both up for many nights in the future, with many thoughts and what ifs. But for now, it's enough to know, that they believe in each other, so deeply...

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