Kidgetober 2020- Day 7 Rainy Day

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Pidge is sitting inside her parents house, with her leg elevated wondering how long her ankle is going to hurt. She can't believe she twisted it so bad. She was pretty annoyed that she couldn't do anything fun this weekend. Especially since it's the first weekend off in months and here she is laid up. No pumpkin picking. No shopping for Halloween stuff. No decorating. No hanging out with Hunk and Lance at their favorite pizza joint. Nope now she's just stuck in the house. Alone.

She knows Matt is supposed to check on her later but she's just feeling pretty down. Her parents are gone for a long weekend trip which is great. But she knows Matt is probably going to be late because her project that just finished is exactly what his team was waiting for. Sighing...she groaned and wished she could go back in time and just tie that damn shoe.

Laying down on the couch with her leg up, the only thing that is somewhat balancing out the feeling of disappointment is that it's definitely raining out so she probably wouldn't have been happy being out anyways. Or at lest that's the narrative she is telling herself. She finally just decides to sleep this rainy day away. Maybe when she wakes up she'll feel better. Maybe her ankle will miraculously feel better. She closes her eyes and grabs the nearest fuzzy blanket, praying the pain killers make her sleepy.

She absently wonders what her friends are doing when she feels her eyes get heavy. Resigning herself to being alone, she settles into the couch. Might as well sleep now.

Pidge slowly wakes realizing she is groggy, turning over to her other side. Why get up, she's got no where to go, no one to see.

She doesn't see anything but just as she is drifting off she senses...something. She forces herself awake and tries to focus on the surroundings. She freezes, making herself open her senses and try and figure out what has tripped her internal alarm. She sniffs and thinks she smells...Chinese food?

She blinks, what the hell? Matt doesn't eat Chinese so it's not him, bracing herself she opens her eyes and sees Cosmo's panting face!

"ARGH!!" Pidge couldn't stop the yell that emerged.

Cosmo licked her face and she groaned. "Cosmo!!"

Keith laughed, "Hey there! Heard you were laid up...thought you might like some company. So we brought some Chinese, a movie and well, ourselves. Hope you don't mind."

Pidge scoots up and looks in astonishment. "Keith! You were off planet! What happened?"

She looks up at Keith with her arm around Cosmo, blinking and smiling.

Keith grins and replies, "Well, I heard that you got hurt and were missing the pumpkin patch. I know you actually like that stuff and I well, I was done with my last hope you don't mind."

"MIND! Keith you and Cosmo probably just saved my sanity! But how did you get in?"

Keith laughed, " dog?"

Pidge laughed, "Oh yeah, duh."

Keith motions to her leg, "So, how is your ankle?"

"It's okay. I could go for some food."

Keith nods, "Yeah, I got your favorites, some pepper steak and orange chicken with chicken fried rice. But before I get you that, I want to check your ankle and get you some more ice. No arguments."

Pidge sighs, "Fine! But maybe I can eat while you check on me?" Cosmo let out a small groan and gave him the puppy eyes.

Keith laughed, "Yeah sure, but I'm still checking you out before we watch some movies. I have your favorites, Marvel and Disney." He leaves the room and returns with a tray of their food, an ice pack and a new ace bandage. He hands her a plate with food and very gently takes takes her ankle in his hand. He peels back her current ankle wrap, wincing at the sight of her swollen and black and blue ankle. Frowning, he gently brushes his fingers over her ankle. Rotating her ankle slowly, looking at the range of motion.

He slowly re-wraps it and carefully places the ice on her ankle. "What movie do you want to watch?"

She looks over the options and states, "Classic...the Avengers. Um, Keith...I don't need a babysitter but. Well, thanks."

Keith smiled, "There's no one else we'd rather spend a rainy day with."

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