New Year's Eve

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Just a short story for the NY

Pidge wasn't sure why she let Romelle and Veronica talk her into dressing up for NYE. This isn't something she usually felt comfortable with or even half way ok with. But she wanted to make them happy and it seemed like her wearing makeup and dressing up would do the trick. So fast forward to agreeing to go the to Garrison NYE bash. Yay.

She came out of the bathroom feeling very very exposed. She had on a green halter top dress that actually made her look like she was a grown up. Her hair was swept up with a few strands hanging around her face that was very 'sexy'. Her make up wasn't over the top so she really couldn't complain. They went for the 'natural look' meaning her eyes seemed bigger than usual and drew more attention. Her lips were very shiny and she had a natural glow...caused by their makeup application. Whatever. Pidge drew the line at heels so Veronica found some Converse that sparkled and they made it work.

Romelle was a sex kitten, super svelte in a short tight dress that literally sparkled and glowed. Veronica looked super James Bondy - with a red strapless dress that screamed Secret Agent. But both were smiling and excited so Pidge just went with the flow. They had a bottle of champagne before they left to help them loosen up and as they walked in the ball together, Romelle swore that every guy stood at attention, (haha Pidge didn't think Romelle got the double entredre but she did!)

They mixed and mingled, more them than she but still Pidge felt like she held her own. She danced, drank and laughed. If Hunk, Shiro and Lance were intimidating men interested in Pidge, she was none the wiser nor did it affect her fun. In fact she was down right oblivious. At some point, a slow song came on and Pidge was swooped up by a tall, dark and handsome man who got her heart racing and her face flushed.

Otherwise known to the rest of the world as Keith Kogane.

Keith hadn't planned on attending the NYE ball. It wasn't his scene. But then Shiro jokingly mentioned that he got off lucky because he was off planet. Keith didn't quite understand so he asked for an explanation. And that's when Shiro mentioned that Keith never had to do Pidge duty. What? What did that even mean. Unfortunately in a later conversation Lance went into great detail. The guys all took turns at events filtering out male attention for Pidge. And while that seemed wrong, Keith also didn't want any guys hitting on her so he didn't say anything. But when NYE plans came up, he made sure to rearrange his schedule and asked for a turn.

When he saw Pidge walk in with the others, he felt stunned, And when he finally was able to take in what he heard around him from some of the guys...well, he was probably the only one who was surprised by his possessiveness. So when he finally asks Pidge to dance, he was able to make it before the clock struck midnight. Timing is everything right now.

As they danced, Keith felt so different. It wasn't just a dance but it was so much more. This was his opportunity. To make the dreams and hopes a reality. And so he maneuvers Pidge out on the balcony right before the countdown begins. He looks down, "Katie, I hope this year can be the beginning of me being honest. I have (gulp) feelings for you and would like to make my intentions clear. I want you"

SHIT! He shouldn't have added that last part!

Pidge laughs, "Keith, it's about damn time!"

Both can hear the yells and celebrations of the ballroom. "Happy New Years!"

Pidge raises up on her toes and initiates the kiss that is the perfect start of their year.

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