Love Takes Time Part 3

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Hi all, hope you like this part almost done! Please comment and any misspellings are all me! If you like Kidge that's pretty much all I right now so please look at my other stories :)

Two Long Years Later...

Katie is now 18 and is part of an elite fighting force. Code name Voltron. She often thinks, how did this happen? It shouldn't have been her team. Hunk, Lance, her. But ironically these relative newbies, just happened to gel with the more experienced forces. But then again how could she not. When her brother was captured, after a bloody battle, well, no one could stop her. It was either get behind her or be left behind. Thank goodness, Keith supported her and vouched for her. Then her team supported her unwaveringly-giving her the opportunity to do so much. And while Lance and Keith could be be touchy both were her friends and would do whatever they could to support her. Help her. Thank goodness. She needed them more then they even knew.

So that's how Lance, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Keith and her were the ass kicking team. Shiro and her dad coordinated their attacks and the rest of them followed the plans. And while no one could have predicted aliens other than maybe her and Keith on a cryptic night, when everything went to shit, well, they were the first to rebound.

But, knowing her brother was missing was really hard. Her parents didn't want her out there. They wanted her safe at home or in a lab and who can blame them? But how could she rely on others to put him first and not forget? How could she stay back and play it safe? No, no, she did what she needed to do. And she WAS going to find her brother. One way or another. And while she had a moment of weakness and wanted to go solo, she quickly realized that she would not sacrifice anyone else she cared about. So she stuck with the team and did her best to find her brother.

Keith on the other hand, was in it for Matt but also, no more so to protect Pidge from herself. He knew she would run herself into the ground for Matt. They were so close, practically twins. But he swore to himself, he would make sure someone put her first. The Garrison wouldn't do it, nope, they would suck her genius dry. So he made that his mission-keep her safe, make sure she sleeps, make sure she eats, essentially keep her healthy. And have her back. Always.

But amidst their battles, Keith couldn't help but notice, how Lance or Griffin recognized her growth from teen to adult, her maturity, her beauty in the last few years. And while he was laser focused...he found didn't like it one bit. She wasn't theirs. Not that she was his per se, but Keith just knew, that she deserved more.

And that's what Keith stuck with. They were friends, best friends, full stop.

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