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Sorry I am so late. Between work, health and just feeling exhausted I'm not updating like I planned. Hopefully this changes soon.

December 29th: Wednesday-Last Minute Shopping

Alternative Universe Continued...

Katie was screwed. She had sworn this year was going to be different. She was NOT going to wait until the last minute. She was going to have all her shopping done before the week of Christmas. Then it was a few days. And now, Christmas Eve she found herself, once again, trapped in the worst place imaginable on this very day. The mall. Her personal hell.

She running through the mall, absently looking at her watch she couldn't stifle the groan. She cannot be late to her parents tonight. She swore that she would not be late again. Not after the fiasco of last year!

Okay, she only needed two more things. Something for Gran and Matt. Gran was easy, she always got her a funny ornament. Hallmark was crazy busy but she got her a cute rainbow poop emoji ornament with the year on it. She is going to love it I even if her mom will be annoyed.

Now, she has to get Matt the final manga he was missing of his favorite series. The super elusive bonus book. She knew it was hard to get but she hacked into multiple book store systems and found the one location that still had the volume he needed. She had to hurry though. Luckily she's small and quick so she maneuvered between the long line of kids crying in line for Santa, the yelling moms (shudder...too close to home), and the exhausted dads carrying bags and bags of presents.

She darted into the bookstore and looking at the packed store decided she could probably get in and out of here in forty minutes. She spied the book and crawled for a hot minute to reach out for the book. As she closed on it and pulled towards her it was abruptly pulled in the opposite direction. Frowning, she saw another hand, which was encased in some black fingerless leather tighten on the book.

Oh hell no. No one was but her big bro was getting this book, she tightened her grip and yanked harder.

Looking up, she opened up to say something snarky when she looked into a pair of eyes she never thought she'd she again.

Hesitantly, she whispered, "Keith?"

December 30th Thursday: Extended family

Keith couldn't take his eyes off the small girl in front of him. Pidge, Katie, Holt, whatever. He knew he was staring and he should stop but he just... couldn't.

He knew who she was immediately when his eyes met hers over that book. He'd never forget those amber eyes. How many times did he ponder over his actions of that day.

Looking back, he knew he never really helped others or at least went out of his way to. He mostly steered clear of people but when he saw her get shoved and stifle her cries he found himself before her...without thought. Honestly, he didn't even make a conscious decision. Helping her, giving her his gloves. Man, he smirked, his dad was annoyed over that, until he told him what happened.

That was the thing about his dad. He always asked questions, always asked why. He never even told anyone else about that day. It was like his. His memory alone.

Now he was sitting in her house. Somehow. Somehow, he was reunited with this little girl. No, this young woman. She was more than his memory. She was still tiny. But she was amazing. She was like a literal genius. She was also sarcastic as hell. Man, he didn't think he's laughed this much in a long while. And to think, he didn't want to come with Shiro to his boyfriend's Christmas Eve party.

And he met her before even knew she was the sister of his brother's SO!

Thinking back to their encounter...


Keith blinked looking down into the wide amber eyes of a girl who was slowly standing before him. He blinked. "Katie?"

She grinned and yanked the book from his hand. "Fancy meeting you here! Sorry the book is for my brother Matt, so, it's mine but I see you switched from actually gloves tooooo fingerless! I can't believe it's you!"

Keith looked at the book in her hand and arched a brow, "So vampire manga?"

It was almost enough for her to drop the book, but not quite. She groaned, "What I do for my brother, it's a Christmas present, I swear!'

He laughed, "Same. Shiro-"

"Shiro?!? Wait Shiro there cannot be that many Shiro's this Shiro who is dating my older brother Matt?!"

Keith froze, "Matt Holt? Shit, you must be Pidge!"

Then, she gave him the signature Holt grin, "Well, let's go in halvsies on this book and say it's a joint present! Win-Win. Plus, do you drive here? Cuz, I took an Uber and do not relish the wait!"

"Earth to Keith, who are you picking for partners for charades?" Shiro kicked his leg while talking. Keith looked up, into the eyes of the only girl to invade his dreams, "Katie?"

He distantly hears Katie's friends object but when he looks into the girl in question eyes', he sees that grin.

God, he's in trouble.

December 31st Friday: Fireplace

Fast forward...5 years...

Keith was getting the fire started, while Katie was throwing out instructions and gossip.

"So Lance said that Hunk is going to propose to Shay. And I think he's jealous that he and Allura are not going to be the first ones engaged. He's literally more of a girl than any of us girls! Then Matt said he wants to buy a new car, so can you go with him? You know he needs a tough guy with him because I think he'll get taken by a good salesperson. Oh, and my mom is so freaking annoying! She wants us to get to the house 3 days before-"


"Yeah, oh, am I boring you! Sorry I~"

Keith leaned forward pulled Katie in front of him. He leaned over and kissed Katie, so softly at first on her nose, then cheek, ear and finally he got to that special part on her neck that makes her melt. God, he loved her. More than he ever thought possible.

With the fire crackling behind her, it really turned her hair to a fiery copper yet it also look so soft and warm. Her cheeks flushed, eyes sparking, he held her hands and whispered, "Katie, from the moment I met you, in that cold playground, you never really left my mind. I held that memory close for so long, selfishly examining it when I felt alone."

Take a deep breath he continued, haltingly, "You see, I was never really close to others, I always felt like loner. But when I thought of that day, I felt closer to you than I can ever remember. Then by some stroke of fate, we me again. And it was better than before. You brought me into your circle and suddenly I have friends who I can trust and laugh with. But most importantly I have you. You,  you make me want to be a better person. You, who get me and balances me out. You, who never feared me and understood me. God, you are perfect...for me. Katie, will you marry me?"

Next day...Katie was laughing evilly to herself, Keith grinned, he knew she was texting Lance a picture of her ring. Like he said, perfect.

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