Socks and Sweaters

276 11 19

26 Kidgemas 2020

Slowly catching up!

Keith didn't know what to get Katie for their first Christmas 'together'.

Suggestions were endless and came from everyone.  Jewelery. Gadgets. Tools. Dinner. Pet. Romance. How the hell do you even give romance? He wishes everyone would just shut up. There's so much pressure.

Deep breath.

But he's clutch under pressure. So no worries right?

As he's fixing his bike in the garage, he brings the situation up to his mom and asks her advice. "So, uh, did you and dad ever do Christmas presents?" He refuses to look at his mom instead he concentrates on wiping his hands. Very carefully.

Fast forward...Christmas day

He starts to open his present as Pidge is hanging off his shoulder looking at times scary and excited. She's biting her lip and damn, her eyes are breathtaking. He actually stops opening the present and just stared at her. She looked at him and quirked a brow. He smiled, "I,'re awfully excited, it this something for you?"

Pidge's face lighted up and laughed! She tackled him to the floor and somehow, wiggled her body over and around him. She kissed him and something about it just ignited something within him. They kissed and kissed but then it evolved. It moved from just kissing to something more. Something deeper and Keith couldn't put it into words, other than it was just more. It was like they were talking without words. And what they were saying was something they had never verbalized.

Finally panting, she straightens in his arms, "Oh no, I wanna see you open your presents...before we get to this part of the evening's festivities!"

Laughing, he nods, "Yeah, okay, let's say that was just a teaser."

Now on the floor, he looks around for his present. "Um, do you know where it is? And um, if you want me to concentrate maybe you should put your sweater back on."

Pidge looked down, "Oh, fine, but only because it's cold without you around me."

Keith lunges for her and sits her on his lap, "No worries, you can keep it off then, I'll just let you sit here so you aren't cold."

Giggling, she nods."Damn, do you see it?"

He does and leans over grabbing the present wrapped in green glittery paper. He opens it and sees a blade holder that looks like it could strap on his thigh. Pidge starts, "I know you have a sheath, but I made this out of material that is conducive to light and has an adjustable strap that automatically fits to your dimensions. It can fit your thigh, calf, hip or chest. Doyoulikeit?"

Keith smiles, "Yes, I love it."

Smiling she opens her hands, wiggling her fingers, "My turn."

Keith suddenly feels very nervous. Shit, he didn't make hers. Damn, was that a rule?

"So, um, I didn't make it but I"

He's abruptly kissed, "Shhhh, did you pick it out?"

He nods, there it is, that smile.

She open the wrapping paper like a Tasmanian devil and she's surrounded by socks. He quickly explains, "So I asked my mom what was the best gift she ever got and she said it had to be something that showed you knew a person and solved a problem or need. I know you're feet get cold so I looked around and found a planet that had a material that fixed it, so each sock will keep your feet warm but since you wear different shoes I told them what you needed, that's why there are so many,'s dumb isn't it. I should have just gotten you jewelry. I'm sorry, but you don't wear jewelry so I "

Suddenly Pidge slammed her mouth on mine, and whispered, "Babe, they're great! Thank you for noticing my problem and finding a solution,  so much!"

I looked at her face and decided she wasn't lying. I nodded, "Katie?"

Eyes on hers, I whispered, "Thanks for making this the best Christmas."

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