Kidgetober Prompt Stories

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Hey all, I'm late as usual but am trying to write for Kidgetober! Hope you enjoy!

Day 1 & 2 Free Prompt

1-Trust Me

Keith looked around the room. He was back home but Earth no longer felt like home to him. Instead, he typically just felt awkward and out of place. He felt like everyone had their eyes on him and were just waiting for him to act like when he was a kid-angry and belligerent. Shaking his head, he hid a grin, they were in for a long wait if they thought he was going to act stupid and ruin this for her. He wasn't that scared kid anymore. He was a Blade missionary as well as a Palladian of Voltron. And today... an officer of rank.

Yet this was the first time in a year that Keith wasn't in his Blade uniform. He missed the straight black that offered him confidence. But he wasn't out helping others.  Instead, he was dressed in his Garrison dress uniform, every button done up, polished shoes and for this occasion he even got a haircut. So even though he felt uncomfortable it was no matter. He'd deal. Using a finger to pull at his neckline, he tried to take a deep breath and remember why he was even here.

He looked around the room and his gaze finally landed on her. His reason. His strength. His passion. His holder of his heart.

Katie Holt. Pidge.

Her hair was a jumbled mess that he personally thought was glorious but knew it meant she ran her hands through it a lot in worry. In the afternoon light, it looked more amber than brown and wavy. His hand twitched. Keith could not help but think, how beautiful she looked. But he also recognized that she looked more insecure and fragile than he had ever seen her. Fuck that.

Resolute, he walked forward looking neither left or right. Gaze on her. The girl who challenged him and never backed down even when faced with his anger. Step. The teammate that supported him when he didn't even trust himself. Step. The Palladin who fought steadfastly by his side. Step. The officer who risked her life for others, way too often. Step. The daughter who showed him how to be an adult child to a mother who found him confusing. Step. The sister who never gave up on her family. Step. The young woman who challenged him to be more...and push past his limits.

Walking up to her, he growled, "I guess I'm asking you to trust me."

She looked up, surprised to see him, and with intelligence shining in her eyes, she simply replied, "Always."

2. Free-Scared

Pidge knew what she had to do. Hell, in order to live with herself she had to take a risk. Sure it was calculated but love was not something that was easy. Sighing she stepped out of the car, carefully locked up and started walking towards the lights determinedly.

While walking, she kept a steady stream of positive self talk to herself. After she paid a buck for a ticket, she looked around the football game. It was crowded. Not yet homecoming but in the thick of the season. Enough that she certainly felt out of place. This wasn't her scene and she could count on one hand how often she has come to a football game. In her last four years of high school. She looked down and zipped up her hoodie. Okay, she could do this. She could!

After a light shiver, she took in the girls around her. Yeah, obviously they weren't cold blooded like her. They were still dressed like it was summer with, short-shorts, tanks and skirts. Shit, who even wore a skirt to a football game in October??? It had to be only 60 degrees out. And windy!

Looking down at herself, she saw...converse that were decidedly dirty and well worn, jeans that fit well but heck they were still jeans, T-shirt and sweatshirt. Ummm, defiantly not a vixen or model. She looked around and could see the Varsity team huddled up. But the guy she was looking for wouldn't be dressed to play tonight.

Nope, he was hurt. Mandated two weeks out at least! for the concussion he suffered at the last game. She stood observing the gaggle of girls surrounding him. Vying for his attention. Flipping hair, giggling, and shivering. Crap. Could she do this? Fuck. Nope, she'll wait. Find the right time. Yup. Turning to head to the concession stands, she grabs snacks and sits.

It's nearing the end of the game and she recognizes, this isn't going to happen today. Nope! Decision made, she abruptly gets up to leave. Almost jogging down the stairs, she turns to walk away towards the lot when she runs smack dab into a warm body. Bam!

Feeling warm hands hold her still and steady her, she knew who it was without even looking up. Shiro.

He tipped her chin up carefully with said hand and murmurs, "Katie. Go."

She remained still. Maybe he'd give up. Maybe...

"Since when is my sister a freaking coward?"

Fucking Matt. Pidge looks up, and over, frowning, "Fuck off. Wanna remind me how long it took you to ask Shiro out?!"

Shiro arched a brow, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I'd love to know, how long?"

Matt chuckled, shaking his head no and reached around Shiro to push her forward. "Never mind that! Go!"

Pidge sighs, "Yeah whatever. When I crash and burn, you so are buying me ice cream." She turns and trudges over to where he's sitting on the bench. The man of the hour.  The guy she has spent the last four years observing. Some might even say stalking.

She maneuvers her way through the crowd since the game is now over and taps his shoulder. "Keith?"

He turns and arches a brow. "Katie? You came? I thought you hated football?"

Blushing she returns, "Can we talk? Privately?"

He nods, and stand immediately. Keeping a hand on her lower back he guides her to a dark area under the bleachers, waving occasionally at people she wonders if he's going to get in trouble with the coach. Feeling vaguely nauseous, she can't help the shiver when a particularly cold wind hit her. Before she can register the temperature drop, suddenly his warm up coat is engulfing her in his heat and scent.

"Keith, I'm just going to say this, I'm scared as hell to want you. But here I am, wanting you anyway." She froze, crap, what did she just do? Taking a step back she starts to backtrack.

Except, his arm snaps out, halting her progress and pulls her close. "Thank God." He pulls her close and kisses her gently. He then whispers, "Me too."

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