April 17th SAT-Lake time

222 11 43

Ok I didn't actually like this story but I'm so far behind that I feel like I gotta just push forward. Sorry!!!

Pidge was sitting...on...a...log. She tried not to think about the possible bugs that were in the log or on the log, just inches from her body. Ugh! But she knew why Matt wanted to get away for bit. He just broke up with his latest girlfriend and he was feeling pretty down. With their parents on a month long cruise for their anniversary, it was up to her to be there for him. Which is why she went along with his hare brained idea.

But that doesn't mean she can't improve and modify them! She secretly called Shiro from the gas station bathroom on their way her. Looks like Maggie dropped her brother the minute the first string basketball player showed the least interest in her. Matt played but he wasn't a starter. She'll deal with her later. But now, she needed to take of her brother.

Shiro should be getting a few people to come up to the cabin and hopefully Matt will be himself again. Which brought her back to her current situation. Matt was in a row boat off the dock of their lake house. He looked exhausted. He was supposed to be fishing but honestly it just looked like he was just staring at the water.

Time to get the ball rolling. "Mattie, I think I am going to practice my stone skipping. This is the weekend that I finally kick your sorry butt."

Matt blinked, "Huh? Oh no, sorry even on my worst day, I'm the best."

Pidge laughed "Let's go! You get 20 rocks and I'll get mine. We start in an hour!"

With Matt focused, she sneaks away to get her phone. She sends a pin to Shiro, hoping they get here soon. Pidge finds her rocks and they take their time. Finally Pidge asks him the real questions. And he gives her the real answers. Pidge leans her head on his shoulder, "Matt, I know you want to be in love but, just remember that you have a lot of people who love you."

He sighs and wraps his arm around her, "I know. Really."

The both hear a door slam and Matt frowns, "Who the hell is here? Stay back until I-"

"Listen Keith, WHO invited you?! Pidge is my best friend, Matt is like one of my brothers, and I'm practically family!"

Pidge looks at Matt, "Soooo, I may have invited a few people." At the sounds of more doors slamming, she grins. "Love."

As they walk back to the house, Matt murmurs, "So you know why Lance hates Keith right?"

"Yeah, cause he beats Lance in every game we play. And he's a starter on the basketball team."

Pidge looks up at him when he throws an arm around her shoulders. "No, because he knows that Keith is the first real guy who can talk you away from your little 3 musketeers. Hunk knows but is okay with it. Lance is jealous."

I sigh, "Matt you're nuts."

As they walk up Shiro waves, Hunk is pulling coolers out of the car and Lance and Keith are standing toe to toe arguing. There's a few other people that Matt knows, the tall guy from the robotics club, the angsty one and another basketball player. Hopefully this helps.

Hours later, Pidge escapes. It's too loud with so many people it the house that she actually chooses nature. Walking carefully she makes her way back to the lake. It's dark and the moon is full and bright. It's quiet but she can hear the noises the bugs make and prays she doesn't see any animals. Walking slowly, she stops. It's gorgeous. The water is smooth and the moonlight is bright. It's like something out of an anime or painting.

Matt seems better and Pidge is thinking this is all going to work out. Then she hears footsteps. Turning she sees the robotics guy. "Hey, I'm good I know these areas."

"Katherine, I'd hope you don't mind, but I wanted to ask you if you, um, so you're single. I'm single and let's just"

Another branch cracks. Looking up, I see Keith jogging up and he grabs my hand. Pulling me sideways I thud into him. He's definitely prepared because he doesn't budge. Looking up at him, I see him staring at the other guy. "So, it's Kyle right? Thanks for keeping my girl company but we are good. See you tomorrow."

Kyle? Looks frozen but eventually stutters an agreement and rushes to leave. Keith keeps my hand in his and we make our way back to the log. "So, um, what was that?"

Keith avoids my gaze and replies, "He likes you. He's liked you for a while. Heard the fucking guy talking about you, wanting to be yours.  And I didn't think, or I hoped you didn't, I guess,...so I intervened. Am I wrong?"

"Well I don't know if he liked me but not but no, I don't like him." Thank goodness I was dark and he couldn't see how red my face looked.

It was quiet and but for the waves lapping the dock we just enjoyed the silence. I couldn't help but notice his hand was right next to mine on the stupid log, with a millimeter of distance. We were so close I could actually feel the heat of his hand radiating off. I lean back and look up. I close my eyes and try to get myself under control. He's so close.

Then I hear, "Katie, I'm know you are close with Lance and Hunk. And I understand. I'm okay with that. I" there was a long pause, "and I know I haven't known you for very long. Just this year, I, shit."

"What are you trying to say Keith?"

"I, um, I LIKE YOU!!"

My eyes snap open. Say what?

With a more modulated tone, "I really like you. But, you don't date. And our brothers are friends. And hell! We are friends. But after this weekend I was hoping you and I could go on a date...please."

I could feel my heart beating fast and I slowly sit up. "Are you sure? Because I don't think, I fit the type of girls who you've dated in the past."

He returns, "Katie, I've like you forever. But you're smart and I'm a troublemaker. Hell, more than half the reason I wanted to join basketball was because your brother is on the team and you always come to his games. It was like guaranteed time I would see you. I'm the one who recommended you do our books for the team. So, I'm sorry for springing this on you and I know you are worried about Matt but Shiro is doing his thing." At this point he skips a rock and I count, 8 skips, that's pretty good, then he continues, "Anyways, I just want you to know where I stand. It's with you. If you let me. If you want me."

I feel myself blush even more and then I say, "Okay. But you're not the only one who noticed someone. He holds my hand and I reply, "Let's go on a date. Preferably without our brothers!"

As they walk back Pidge puts a rock in her pocket, just a momento. He was so cute! And who says that she can't

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