October 4

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October 4: Neon

Pidge blinked. How on Earth did she get here? The fluorescent lights. The painted black walls and ceiling. The circus mirror?...really why? Then there was the day glow neon colors that are so in your face that she recognizes she is getting a headache after just 20 minutes in this place! Unfortunately they are only on hole 4 of 18 so yeah, long night ahead. Ughhhh.

As she is standing there, contemplating how she is out on a Friday night, when she had absolutely no intention of going out. She suddenly hears a yell then multiple yells! Loud pounding steps, oh hell! What is coming her way? Blinking she suddenly catalogs a strong hand closing around her bicep and yanking her back. While firm it didn't hurt, then she hits a warm solid wall of muscle only to see a day glow blue golf ball hit the bench that was behind her. She looks up, into a face that is all too familiar from school. Aw hell.

This close, she notices a faint scent of  gasoline and outside. She takes a deeper breath. Her body relaxes until she hears Allura's snicker, and realizes she is leaning against him and he's supporting her weight. She quickly stands upright but his hold only shifts to turn her slightly so she is now facing him.

"Hey, Holt, you good?"

I stare. Ohmygod why can't I voice a response. I open my mouth but nothing comes out and so I nod, and then quickly glare at Allura.

"Good, fucking Lance, I don't know how he missed so bad but honestly his aim is shit. But so long as you didn't get hit, I guess it's ok." As he talks, his arm is brushing up and down her bare arm and Pidge literally feels like melting. Does he even know he's touching her!?!

"HEYYYY!!! Pidge! What are the odds?! And, hehehe, sorry about almost braining you. You know I would never AIM for you. And Keith I missed because YOU said I bet you can't make that shot lefty and I said- "

Hunk interrupts at this point, "BUT, what is important is you are fine and we are all fine and now we can talk!" Lance gives her a sheepish smile and bravely pushes Keith out of his way to pat her back.

She thinks she hears Keith mutter something about Lance not being able to hit what he's aiming for righty or lefty but Lance was talking loudly so she wasn't entirely sure. Then Hunk gives her a hug so she tries to refocus.

Lance has quickly moved his focus from me to Allura, who she heard he has a massive crush on. I look down to see where the score card has disappeared to and suddenly Keith is there, handing me our card and pencil. I nod my thanks no quite trusting my voice yet when Lance loudly exclaims, "Hey, let's join groups! May the best person win OR we could team up. Best twosome pays for ice cream!"

I look at our scorecard and shrug, figuring it isn't going to make the night worse when Keith grins and bumps my shoulder, "Five will get you ten that Lance comes in last."

I huff a laugh, "You're on!" I know Lance won't let himself come in last if only because of Allura. But then he holds out his hand, "Shake on it?"

I offer my hand only to get pulled closer to him. I'm staring up and know I'm starting to blush when I hear Hunk as if I want to be his partner. I open my mouth to answer, only to hear Keith reply, "Naw, she's mine."

Looking back, that night was the just the beginning.

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