"Jojo if you get any closer to me, then my personal asteroid belt will tear you to shreds."
Stand name- Space Junk
Reference - Wang Chung song
Appearance -
Takes the form of a constantly spinning miniature rotating wheels space station.
On its sides are the initials W.C in bold letters.
Its light blue & green in color, with a white center.
Stand type- non humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: C Durability: B Range: B Precision: D Potential: C
Ability -
personal orbit-
Can pull in small objects and cause them to orbit around its targets.
I.E coins, small rocks, paper, pens, rain drops
The target becomes the center of its orbiting path.
The ring of orbiting objects will gradually grow in size of the objects pulled into it's orbit.
Space junk can control how fast the things orbit around it, increasing it speed for destructive effects. With the objects moving around at higher speeds, it does far more damaged to anything or anyone caught in it's flight path.
Think like the asteroid belt around Jupiter.
Space junk is a strong counter to projectiles. If a projectile is shot at the user, it could potentially become part of the asteroids belt if it hits any of the things in the belt.
Space Junk is very useful for keeping groups of enemies at a distance, or risk being pelted by a miniature meteor shower.
Weakness -
Can not attack directly, more suited for defensive. If someone can break though the line of orbit the the user is mostly defenceless.
The ring around space junk starts off with shorter range and weaker pull, making them easier to deal with. Takes time to build up orbiting speed.
The ring is orbiting around the center mass of it's target, being unable to raised or lower. Although it is able to tilt it's axis.
Opponents can avoid being hit by being below or above the line of orbit. If a projectile avoids hitting anything in orbit, then it does not become part of it.
There is the possibility that an enemy is either fast or lucky enough to dodge.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it