"Jojo do you know what it' like to live in someone else's shadow? "
Stand name- Nosferatu
Reference - Blue oyster cult's song
Appearance -
Unnaturally lanky & thin bald humanoid figure. It wears what resembles a dark blue overcoat, with a high color.
It skin is pale white, with black eyes and a pair of long fangs.
It's has long fingers, ending with sharp nails.
Stand type- humanoid/Long range
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: D Durability: B Range: A Precision: D Potential: C
Ability -
Cold & dark-
Nosferatu can decrease the temperature of the space within its shadows .
The spaces not directly touch by the light or covered by it's shadow, will experience a sudden drop in temperature. With the darker the shadow, the faster the temperature drop.
Weakness -
Low speed and imprecise.
Ability only takes effect in the shadows user casts, or casted by things that their holding .
Any portion of an object that is lit, will remain the natural temperature.
The further away from Nosferatu, the slower the temperature drop.
Ability is weaken by light. Very bright light can cause Nosferatu discomfort.
This is a referenced to the 1922 movie, Nosferatu.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it