Guns of Brixton

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" Nat what happen!? Your arm is bleeding! " JoJo asked

"Yeah , this stand attack me. It threw a pencil at me, buy it felt like I was shot"

Stand name- Guns of Brixton (Brixton for short )

Reference - The Clash song "Guns of Brixton"

Appearance -

Humanoid stand with a monochromatic torso. The bottoms half of it's face is white, the top half is black with white eyes.

It's limbs color contracts with the rest of it's body. With its left arm/shoulder/leg are pink, while the right side is lime green.

Stand type- Humanoid/mid range

Stand stats-

Power: D speed: B Durability: C Range: B Precision: A Potential: C

Ability -



Can increase the density of whatever object that is held within its hands.

The objects retains the increase density even while thrown, potentially turning any ordinary object into a very deadly projectile.

Example - A thrown Baseball's can crack walls, a tossed pen could pierce metal, or a plain playing card can be flicked with enough force to cut human flesh.

It's trigger ability combined with its precision makes the user an incredibly deadly marksmen.

Weakness -

Low physical strength and mediocre durability, is very vulnerable in close range/hand to hand fighting

Require an object to be thrown, the object is limited to fitting in the [Guns of Brixton] hands. The less time in the Brixton hand, the less density is added to it.

The projectiles maintains the same durability, so high chance to disfigured or break upon contact.

Once the thrown object touches the ground or leaves the range, it's density returned to normal density.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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