Stand name - Heat goes boom
Reference - Snoop Dogg song "My heat goes boom"
Appearance -
Takes the form of a dog head bandolier, that creates a set of clear glass thermometer, that regenerate on over time.
The thermometer is contains bubbling red mercury.
Stand type - tool stands /Non humanoid
Stand stats-
Power:B Speed:D Durability:C Range:C Precision:E Potential:C
Ability -
Heat bombs -
"Heat goes boom" can create thermometer like throwing darts , that when placed on objects will steadily build up heat as long as it's on.
The user can detonate "Heat goes boom" thermometers at will by crossing their fingers, acting as remotely detonated bombs. With the higher the temperature on the thermometer, the bigger and more powerful the blast will be.
If the sticker is at around room temperature, its explosive yield is comparable to dynamite.
The user can either place them on objects, acting as a temperature sensitive time bombs.
The user can warm the thermometer with their own body heat, once at a chosen temperature can choose to detonate it.
Heat darts-
Heat goes boom thermometers can be thrown like a dart shape grenades.
Can also be used like daggers.
Weakness -
The user needs to able to hit a target with the thermometer for it to work.
If the thermometer temperature is lowered, either by soaking it in water or ice. Then it might not even go off if the temperature is lowered enough.
It take time to build up its power, and is reliant on the surroundings temperature.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it