Stand name- Soul sister
Reference- Song by Train "Drops of Jupiter"
takes the foam of 5 clear balls, with a different symbol represent a certain element. Fire,Water,wind,earth, lighting.
There each the size of a soft ball.
Stand type- Tool/stand colony(5)
stand stats- Power: B Speed: C Durability:C Range:B(as far as be thrown or toss) Precision: B(users aim) Potential:C
Elemental manipulation -
each ball can summon & absorb the elements they represent. The users throws the balls like grenades, as a kind of powerful element bomb.
The five elements are earth,wind, water, fire , and lightning.
The users can further increase the stands versatility, by combining the elements for mixed effects. Water/fire ball for steam . Wind/Lightning for a small thunder cloud. Earth/Water to mud. Ect. The number of elemental combination are limited by the users creativity.
The balls can be called back to the user after use, it will fly back to their hand.
Has to thrown for the effect to work, the possibility the opponent can dodge the ball. After each ball use, their is a 10 second cool down period for each ball before it can be used. It's a 15 second cool down for combined elements.
Stand user-
stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it