Stand name- Robot Rock.
References- Daft punk song " Robot Rock ".
Robot rock takes the form of 3 simple robotic box shape pods that obit around the user. Each pod is machine grey , with short set of robotic arms and a red light at the top. Each one has there letter painted on the side, A ,B & C respectively.
Stand type- stand colony (3)/close range
Stand stats- Power:B Speed: C Durability: A Range: C Precision: C Potential : B.
The pods that orbit around the user has different roles. Pod A- Combat /Pod B-Defensive/Pod C- supportive.
Pod A- offensive. Armed with a rapid fire machine gun turret .
Pod B- defensive . The pod will stay close to the user shielding the user from damage, by physical flying in front of the user.
Pod C- a support pod. Is used to carry and story heavy objects. Pod C posses a sonar scanner, able to help locate things through sound.
The 3 pods, has been shown to be strong enough to carry the users through the air. Slowing their fall, giving them a lift, or helping them glide through the air.
Weakness -
is a close range stand. Can sometimes disobey the users commands. While the pod C force field is very formidable, it can be broken with a strong enough and sudden attack.
Pod A machine gun fires in burst, leaving the user vulnerable to attack between shots.
Pod C sonar, can be thrown off by other noises. Made redundant even used if used in a noisy area , or a larger crowed.

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it