Life thru a lens

964 6 1

Quote -

"These photos are special, don't stay still they keep moving."

Stand name-  Life Thru a lens

Reference - Robbie Williams song

Appearance - 

Takes the form of a silver & black arch deco style digital camera.

Looking both modern and retro at the same time..

Stand type-  tool stand

Stand stats-

Power: C  speed: C Durability: B Range: A Precision: B Potential: B

Ability -

Photo touch -

The most recent photo taken by the user, instead of a still image will continue to move and shoe what happens in real time.

The user can interact with context of the photo, as if they were physically there. By physically touching the photo they can effect and manipulate the original environment the photo was taken.

This manifest as giant disembodied version of the user's hand appearing in the place where the photo was taken. With the giant hand able to move objects.

The hand can pick up things & throw them, or hit people who are in the place of the current image.


If you took a photo of a room with no one in it, the photo takes will show what happens in real time. With things moving and people going in & out. The user can touch the things in the photo and it will transfers to the actual room & objects.

A/N : is a combination of SCP-105 and Master hand from super smash bros.

Weakness -

Can only effect one photo at a time. Can only touch all the things with in the confines of the photo.

Opponents can move out of the confines of the photo to avoid the users hand.

Can just attack the user, damage to the giant hand is transfers to the users hand.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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