"I've been saving this since before the fight started" the user said, before their stand pulled off a pin on their leg.
After a sudden bright flash "pin the grenade" explosively charged forward at faster than before.
Stand name- Pin the grenade (PG)
Reference - Blink-182 song
Appearance -
Humanoid with smooth magenta colored skin. It's mouth is covered by a red bandanna. It's eyes are 2 red circles.
Ones each of its armed are rainbow colored bracers, resembling a shrapnel grenade.
On certain parts body are found grenade pins, that when pulled activated it's special specially.
Stand type- Humanoid/close range
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: C Durability: B Range: E Precision: D Potential: B
Ability -
Power pins-
Can make itself and others/objects generate generate pins from their body. When pulled with activate its ability.
Pulling a pin also create a bright flash.
Its ability has a high risk at the cost of being temporarily weakened, the stand can channel certain attributes into these pins.
Depending where the pin is pulled, having different type of explosive boost.
The pins storage energy that can be used at anytime. The longer the pin is charged, the bigger the boost will be when pulled.
example: by channeling physical strength into the pins on their arms, they will be physical weaker. But when they pull the arm pin, they will gain an explosive burst of strength.
If PG pulls the pin on their leg, they get a burst in speed. A pin on their neck, they can think faster.
The best time to pull a pin, is when the stand attribute recover to natural level. By pulling it then, then their full ability is multiplied.
If a pin stabs someone, they may experience strange effects .
Weakness -
Short range and low precision.
The user is left vulnerable when it's pins are charging, because of the power being sent into the pins.
Charging Arm pins/physically weaker, Leg pins/Slower, Neck pins/think slower.
Once a pin is pulled, that stored power is used up in a brief moment.
This forces the user to pull pins sparingly, waiting for the right time to make the most of it. Putting it at the wrong moments can leave grave consequences.
Stand user-
Stand cry- Hik!

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it