Quote -
"I can mix all your senses. I can make you feel colors or even taste sound " Stand user says
Stand name- Senses work overtime (SWO for short)
Reference - XTC song " Sense Working overtime"
Appearance -
Takes the form of a slightly oversize bright & colourful paper mache hummingbird, it's colors are red,yellow, and green.
In place of its eyes are a blue letter X & C. With a blue beak.
Stand type-
Stand stats-
Power: E speed: B Durability:A Range:B Precision:E Potential: C
Ability -
Synesthesia -
Can induce Synesthesia in others. Meaning SWO can fuse the 2 of the five major senses into a new hybrid sense. Like fusion taste & hearing, or sight & touch.
If SWO fuse taste & hearing, it may cause those around it to taste the words they say.
For example: saying the word bread the taste will instantly manifest. Or hearing a line from a song will make you feel tingly.
If SWO fuses touch and sight, it may cause the effects to physical feel different colors.
For example: seeing the color red might make you feel warm. Or seeing a sunset will cause your muscles to relax.
If the user is in a bind, they can use Synesthesia to disoriented and confuse people.
Weakness -
No combat ability, effects are hard to predict.
Has to be close to SWO for it to take effect, the further away someone is the less effective it is.
Can only fuse 2 sense at a time.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it