Material girl

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Stand name- Material girl

Reference- Madonna song" Material Girl"


humanoid female, with pink skin wearing a darker pink evening gown . Has a noticeably feminine featureless face, except with 2 diamonds that represents the eyes.

Stand type- close range,

Stand stats-

Power: C Speed: C Durability: B Range : D Precision B potential: C


Material switching -

Material girl is able to switch the material make up of two different objects. By touching 2 different things , she can switch what their made up off.

For example:

Material girl touch a glass cup then a wooden bowl, the bowl would now be made of glass while the cup is now wooden.

Material switching does work on cloths


Is a close range stand, vulnerable to range attacks.

Can only switch the materials of non living or inanimate things. Requires to physically touch something for the ability to work.

The objected having their material makeup swapped has to be around the same size, or will be less effective/incomplete.

Stan cry- Ma! Ma!Material!

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