Way of the fist

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Stand name - Way of the fist

Reference- Five finger death punch album

Appearance -

Takes the form red armoured arm guards, that covers more of the users arm the longer they fight. Initially just covering the hands, to eventually reaching their shoulders.

"Way of the fist" starts off as blood red metal gauntlets, but in full mode covers the arms in red plate armour with steel grey parts at the joints (wrist/elbow/shoulder). The knuckles has 3 round studs to add more impact damage.

Stand type - Wearable/tool stand

Stand stats -

Power: B Speed: C Durability: A Range: E Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

Enhancement -

Increase the user natural strength & reflexes


Way of the fist provides the users with durable armour on their arms, that will continue to grow the longer she fights or when in use.

Start with just covering the hands, but can go up to the entire arm up to her shoulder. Durable enough to withstand attacks from close range stands.

Conductive impact -

Can have the impact of its hits transfer through solid mediums, similar to electricity moving in a wire.

Doing little to no damage to the conductor in question.


The user punches a table with someone in direct contact with that table. The impact of that punch is felt by the person touching the table, despite not being hit by the user.

With the table left unscathed.

With some creativity allows the user to hit things at a distance.

Weakness -

Effectiveness depends on the user fighting skill and to initiates the ability requires physical contact for effect to work.

Takes time to cover and grow on the user. Only covers arms leaving rest of body vulnerable.

Best conduct impact through solid materials, much less effective in liquid mediums. But not affecting air, which acts as an insulator.

Different material have resistance to having impact conducted through it.

Every time "way of the fist" impact is conducts its impact through something, some of it is lost in the process. Making it weaker by the end.

With the thicker or less ridged the conductor, the more impact is lost.

Stand user - Isaki Nijimura

Stand cry-

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