Subterranean homesick blues

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Stand name- Subterranean homesick blues (S.H.B for short)

Reference - Bob Dylan song " Subterranean homesick blues"

Appearance -

Takes the form of a small plush like creatures, resembling a cross between a mole and a griffin.

It's body appear to be made of black leather with red string sewn through its body. It's eyes & snout is a made of bronze.

Stand types - non humanoid/ long range

Stand stats -

Power: D Speed: D Durability: A Range: A  Precision: C Potential: D

Ability -

Enhanced digging -

Is shown to be effortless able to dig & move through the earth, faster than the user can run.

Seismic sense-

Subterranean homesick blues,is able to detect things through the earth through vibrations.

Weakness -

Absolutely no combat ability, and is notably very slow when not digging.

Is slower and has more difficulty digging through man made substances, like cement.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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