"If you don't stop, ill make you!"
Stand name- Who can't be moved
Reference - song by the script "The man who can't be moved"
Appearance -
A 6 cylinder revolver pistols, it barrel resembles a sliver & bronze bullet train.
It handle is tri colored blue , yellow , and red.
Stand type- tool long range
Stand stats-
Power: C speed: C Durability: A Range: B Precision: D Potential: D
Ability -
Kinetic storage-
Fire bullets that steal all kinetic motion of whatever they hit.
Living things shot with "who can't be moved" will instantly lose all motion for around 3 seconds.
Non living things shot with "who can't be moved" will lose motion until the gun is reloads.
For example:
A person shot with it will be temporarily paralyzed.
A speeding car will instantly stop mid drive.
Shooting a falling object will cause it to freeze in mid air.
Talk you down-
After every 6th bullet, a special unique bullet will be generated. Appearing somewhere on the user person.
This bullet is empowered by all the combined kinetic motion stolen by the previous 6 bullets. For a single destructive shot.
Weakness -
Not good at defense, is dependent on the users own gun skill.
Bullets only freeze people for a limited amount of time. All objects shot will move again after all 6 rounds are spent.
The user has keep tract of their bullets, the regular rounds does not do very much damage.
A "talk you down" bullet, is only created after taking 6 shots with the stands regular rounds.
"A talk you down " bullet has to be manually loaded in the gun. Which is hard in the middle of a fight.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it