Stand name- Sleep when dead
Reference - Warren Zevon song "I'll sleep when I'm dead"
Appearance -
Takes form of red & silver robotic owl. Instead of eyes wears black shades.
The talons are made of miniature hypodermic needles.
Stand type- long range/non humanoid
Stand stats-
Power:D speed:C Durability:B Range:A Precision:D Potential:C
Ability -
Hypothermic talons-
Sleep when dead has sharp needle like talon, that can cut into flesh.
Sleepless plague -
Sleep when dead, can create a virus that gives its victims the symptoms of intense sleep deprivation & insomnia.
Symptoms: very difficult to focus, agitated, forgetfulness, fatigue
The severity of the sleepless plague, it increase as time goes on. It will spread through contact of bodily fluids (Saliva/tears/sweat).
The user can used this to infect an entire town population, and cause mass mayhem.
The severity of the plagued will increase, as time goes on. Is more effective on people staying still and with lower body temperature.
Weakness -
No combat ability.
Spreads through body fluids, people can prevent infection by avoiding touch.
Infection spreads slower in hot areas. Less server to people with higher body temperature.
May not work on people with high body temperatures, like very sick. EX: Flu/Cold/Fever
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it