"this is what you'll get, when I see you do something wrong"
Stand name - Karma Police (aka: KP)
Reference - Raidohead song " Karma Police "
Appearance -
Takes the form of a medium size hovering robotic bird, that is often resting on the users shoulder. Under its wings are miniature jet turbines.
Most of KP's body is police blue color, with exception to its belly, beak, talons , and visor. The rest of its body is gun metal gray.
When it's eyes are suppose to be, is shiny black visor with a moving red line through the middle. It resembles a police radar.
At the center of its chest is a bronze shield shape police badge , with KP engraved on it.
Stand type - Non humanoid
Stand stats -
Power: D Speed: C Durability: B Range: C Precision: C Potential: B
Ability -
Karma police, is more of a support stand.
Karma vision--
Karma Police special ability, allows it to give bad luck to people who have done immoral actions in front of the Stand or user.
The more immoral the actions taken in front of KP, the more bad luck they will experience.
The karma vision effects grows more intense, the more extreme the actions taken in front of karma police. If they do something considered evil their luck will get worse, ranging from tripping over nothing to even their clothes spontaneous catching on fire.
Distance also factors in the effects, closer they are the more intense the luck will be.
Karma vision depends on what the general definition of what is considered bad . What they consider immoral , determines the kind of the intensity they will receive.
Weakness -
Little offensive power, and relatively close range. Non combat stand, better ment for support.
Karma Police, ability only works if they directly see the action taken in front of them. If they don't personally see it happen, then Karma vision won't activate. So Karma vision can be avoided, by avoiding being in KP line of sight.
Karma luck effects is only temporary, with the more benign the shorter the effect will last. For example stealing a pack of gum, will get maybe a couple seconds of bad luck.
If they leave karma police lines of sight their luck returns to normal. Also the farther someone is from KP, the less pronounced Karma vision is.
If the the user knowingly does something they themselves find morally wrong and genuinely feels guilty, their own luck to gets worse.
If the person getting bad luck can convince the user their actions were justified, an accident, or just genuinely apologize then their luck will automatically resets back to normal.
Stand user -
Stand cry -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it