Glass animals

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Stand name- Glass Animals

Reference - English Rock band "Glass animals"

Appearance -

Glass animals takes the form shifting floating sheet of colored stain glass

Constantly shifting between various geometric shapes, like cubes.

Stand type - Non humanoid /Bound Stand (to any piece of glass)

Stand stats-

Power: D Speed: D Durability: C Range: D Precision: E Potential: B

Ability -

Glass Animals is mainly a very versatile ability-granting stand which enables the user to reshape & bend glass ( or glass like substance), to create weapons & tools.

This gives glass animals a very wide amount of options both in & out of combat.

Can instinctively sense the nearest source of glass.

Glass folding -

Glass Animals grants it's user to freely bend, shape, and fuse glass items as if they were made of paper. The user can bend any source of glass, from a simple glass cup to even a bullet proof windows.

Glass Animals can fold glass into various tools like blade or a makeshift telescope. The user can fold a pane of glass into a paper airplanes, and throw it like a very sharp dart.

The user can fold & overlap multiple piece of glass to make them more resistant, to create a glass sword.

The user can fold glass into origami animals like cranes or frogs , which acts as Semi automatic drones. Which can follows the user's commands.

Glass immunity -

The user can not be harmed by glass. The instant a shard of glass touch their skin, it will just bend or fold in like tissue paper.

Weakness -

Like other ability-granting stands Glass Animals is poor at defending the user.

For Glass Animals ability to work, the user has to physically touch & bend glass.

The Stand glass drones are extremely simple, which makes them very easy tricked by enemies.

If any of the glass animals 's objects is broken or shattered, the user loses control over it.

Stand user-

Stand cry -

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