Stand name- Air Supply
References- Rock Duo "Air supply"
Takes the form of a red, white, and blue hot balloon necklace.
When activated covers its user In a swirling whirlwind of air.
Stand type- wearable stand
Stand stats-
Power: E Speed: E Durability:B Range:D Precision:C Potential:C
wind suit-
Covers the user in a thin but very condense layer of air, about an inch from their body. The air layer, is able to cushion or even redirect attacks against them. Dispersing impact into the surrounding air.
Giving the user a reliable defense against combat focus stands.
Invisibility -
The wind suit can bend the light reflecting off it, appearing to be invisible.
Along with bending light, Air supply is useful for stealth.
The air layer can lower any sound the user makes, also prevent the user's scent from leaving.
Through sight, sound, and smell Air supply is almost undetectable.
Air pocket -
Because of being made out of air, it allows to user to stay underwater for a very long period of time with our issue. Can float and sink at will.
Also maintains the users body temperature, protecting the them from cold or hot temperature.
Very low physical power, very close range.
Air suit is weak to piecing damage, or very concentrated force in a small area.
Not suited for direct combat, because it has no combat ability what do ever.
Air supply is best suited for evasion and stealth. Not combat.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it