Stand name- Carnivore
A/N: edgiest stand I ever made, it all up hill from here.
Reference - Heavy metal band
Appearance -
A muscular humanoid being, noticeably bigger than than the user.
Carnivore has a very monstrous appearance, resembling a muscular skinless human. With expose muscles and a skull like face.
Carnivore face is skeletal, with larger canines & bone white horns.
Most of the time Carnivore has a feral like expression.
Stand type- Humanoid/close range
Stand stats-
Power: A speed: B Durability: A Range: D Precision: D Potential: D
Ability -
Strength -
Hunter's scent—
Carnivore has an acute sense of smell to track things down.
Predator -
Carnivore can boost its physical power, by eating/absorbing flesh (both animal/human) . Including meat, blood, bones, and even entire bodies.
The more Carnivore eats, it will physically start to get more muscular & taller.
Weakness -
Close range stand, vulnerable to range attacks. Low precision.
Weak to fire based attacks, because of fire purifying nature.
The longer it doesn't absorb flesh it bonus will gradually disappear. A easy strategy is to constantly prevent it from eating flesh.
It's sense of Smell can be used against it, with strong odors distorting it. Carnivore can be tricked by smell.
If a smell is strong/bad enough, the user will have trouble controlling carnivore. This causing carnivore to lash out, possibly endangering its own user.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it