In between days

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"Hey Jojo, sometimes don't you wish you can just skip to the end?"

Stand name- In between days

Reference - song by the cure

Appearance -

A lean blue skinned humanoid, with a green face.

It wears a short white shroud & cape apparently made of calendar sheets.

Where its eyes are supposed not be are two time pieces.

Stand type- Close range humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: C speed: B Durability: C Range: D Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -

Event editing-

"In between days" can edit out the sequence between the start and end of a specific action.

Going from point A to point C, with point B not existing.

Rending the effects some actions null.

Basically skipping to the end result of a simple action.

For example:

A dropped glass, will instantly on the ground still unbroken.

A swinging door will be shut before you noticed.

A grenade will the pin pulled, will then appear to be just a pile of ash and shrapnel.

Weakness -

Short range, and low precision durability.

Event editing can target one thing at a time giving it a major disadvantage in fighting multiple people.

Can be caught off guard, fast enough be enemies can even dodge then swipe.

User may not know the results of skipping peoples intended actions.

Only works on short simple actions not long complex ones, like cooking or writing

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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