Stand name - S.P.Q.R
Reference - This heat song "S.P.Q.R"
Appearance -
a silver colored shovel, with a medium length hard wooden staff and ending with a D silver shape handle.
On the shovel head,is engraved the abbreviation S.P.Q.P
Stand type - non Humanoid/ tools stand
Stand stats -
Power: C Speed: D Durability: A Range:C Precision:C Potential: C
Ability -
High durability -
Digging -
The shovel head can erase space & matter of things it comes in contact with.
Things subjected to the user ability, will appears as a sharp blade has cut through it.
If the user dig into the ground the dirt instead of being moved will be erased.
S.P.Q.P can dig up the space between the user & it's target, bringing the user closer to their target. The user can move a short distance by rabidly "digging" a hole through the fabric of space .
(A/N- it's works like the Hand from part 4 , Except it's a shovel)
Bury -
by twisting the handle ,S.P.Q.P can restore what it has erased , refilling what what was erased by the shovel.
Bury allows the user to restore what they dug through, putting things back into place.
Weakness -
All combat ability is completely dependent on the users own fighting ability.
Can be defeated some by someone naturally stronger , faster, or just a better fighter.
Can only dig through non living things, only works on things like dirt/Walls/Metal.
To user it's dig ability requires to user to use S.P.Q.R in a digging motion.
Stand user -
Alternate universe Leaky Eye Luca. Who ever he/she is?
Stand cry -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it