Stand name- Snow patrol
Reference - Scottish Rock band
Appearance -
Takes the form of a humanoid being, made of bright white almost translucent material.
It's head is covered by a thick grey fur lining, along with a fur color.
Snow patrol eyes are big black reflective squares, like ski goggles .
Stand type- Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: B Speed: B Durability: C Range: E Precision: D Potential: D
Ability -
Time locking-
Snow patrol can lock object in time, and use to accelerate the time of other objects.
The time lock can be used to accelerate the time of other objects, like throwing objects at faster speed.
Can cause things to be break faster, like adding time to door and have it almost explode with couple of strikes. With one hit can cause a glass window to basically disintegrate from one hit.
Things that has the time drain from them will react very slowly to any kind of change.
Examples: drain time from a rock and drop it, it will fall very slowly. Another, if you drain the time from a glass window, it will break in slow motion.
The time drain can be used defensive, by draining time from a wall can create a effect barrier that is slow to change. Because it will break in slow motion, due forcing enemy to use more energy to get though.
Snow patrol can drain time from the water under its feet, allowing it to actually move across water as if it was ice.
Weakness -
Close range Stand vulnerable to long range attacks & projectiles. Low precision.
Time lock only works on objects, can not drain the time of living things.
The amount of time drain depends on how long Snow patrol is in physical contact. With the less contact less time is drained.
When time is added to something Snow Patrol has less time to use, forcing it to drain more time.
When adding time to something, Snow Patrol has to hold it for an extended period of time to make it go faster.
If snow patrol doesn't used the time it drained, it will gradually disappear and return to it origins.
Stand user-
Stand cry- Car!

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it