Come sail away

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"With sail away, I can make myself and the things around me much more buoyant. But JoJo do you know what that really means?" The user asked JoJo

" Uh, you can float on water... " JoJo replied unsure

"Everybody say that but that's not exactly true. Buoyancy is the ability float or move through any fluid. But JoJo you do realize that air is a fluid too..."

Stand name- Sail away

Reference - Styx song "come sail away"

Appearance -

Takes the form of 7 miniature floating sail boats, that circle around the user.

Stand type- Non humanoid/ stand colony (7)

Stand stats-

Power:E speed: C Durability:A Range:B Precision:D Potential:B

Ability -

Buoyancy generation-

When "sail away" circles around an area the buoyancy of the user and everything with in the perimeter is greatly increased.

The user can manipulate the buoyancy of objects in regards to any fluid (gas or liquid), making things float or sink settling on the level user wants them to. Defying their actual density or weight.

Because of the greatly increased buoyancy, the user can now casually lift heavy objects, walk on water without breaking its surface tension, and leap high into the air.

For example: having "sail away" circles around a car , the buoyancy it high enough for the air to push it up. Being light enough to push by a single person.

Weakness -

Low destruct power and precision, can not defend the user.

"Sail away" buoyancy effect only happens with in the effected circle. Anything that leaves the perimeter will return to it natural weight & density.

The wider "sail away" perimeter the less intense the effect is.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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