Stand name- Bubblegum Bitch ( AKA: BB)
Reference - Marina & the Diamonds song "Bubblegum Bitch"
Appearance -
Feminine Humanoid stand slightly shorter than its user. It wears pink shades, with us body pattern in dark and light pink diagonal diamonds
It's wrist are circled by mini white heart & diamond symbols.
On the center of its chest is a heart symbol.
BB most of the time will have a bored or annoyed expression on her face, but in combat will change to a more relaxed even excited look.
Stand type - Long range/Humanoid
Stand stats-
Power:C Speed:C Durability:A Range:B Precision:D Potential:B
Ability -
Stretching -
Bubblegum Bitch has an elastic like body, that is able to stench it self like gum. Helps it take on lot of damage, also able to stretch it limbs to certain point.
This making BB very flexible able to squeeze through tight spaces and weird shapes.
Gumball -
Bubblegum Bitch can secrete and fire solid rubber ball projectiles from it palms.
The projectiles can hit pretty hard, with people shot by them having deep bruised.
The gumballs can bounce/ricochet off surfaces, building up more speed & force each time it happens. They can do this up to 3 or 4 times.
The gumballs are especially effective in close quarters areas , where it has more things to bounce off. This can be used to attacks people from around corners.
The gumball will pop like gum after they stop bouncing.
Weakness -
Long range stand, vulnerable to close range attacks. Or things that can get pass gumball.
It's elastic body has it limits, vulnerable to constant aggressive attacks. Also vulnerable cutting weapons & cold temperatures.
Low precision.
The closer you are to Bubblegum Bitch the less impact the gumballs will have. The gum balls will eventually lose momentum.
Stand cry- Bitch!
Stand user -

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it