Stand name- Meteora
Refrence- Linkin Park album " Meteora "
Humanoid stand of slender build, with a blueish silver color scheme. Top of its head is similar to that of a soldiers helmet from ww1. It's has stylized wings on its shoulders, and large tear shape marks all over its body.
stand type- Short Range/ humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: D Speed:A Durability:C Range: D Precision:C Potential:C
"Numb"(named after the song)
Meteora main ability, Numb can lessen the on coming effects of an immediate action.
For example you jump off a building, you can "numb" the fall , instead of bones breaking in more like jumping off your bed. If there's a raging fire , you can "Numb" the heat and walk through it. Instead of burning alive, you would go unscathed .
If the users reacts fast enough they can "Numb" oncoming attacks. Powerful enough attacks will still hurt the user, but it won't be life threatening.
In correlation with it numbing ability, Meteora has low stats on offensive power. It ability has be used consciously, meaning you can Numb things you don't see coming.
If an force is powerful enough, even if you Numb it, a portion of the effects will still happen. Example if you were hit by a car if you Numb the hit, you won't just die but you will still get a deep bruise or a broken bone.
Meteora, does not completely negate attacks just lessen the effects.
stand user-'
stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it