Half as much

805 2 0


"JoJo, just because you break something down doesn't mean there any less of it"

Stand name- Half as much

Reference -  Hank Williams song

Appearance -

Muscular humanoid, with a mechanical appearance with orange coloring scheme.

It has metallic shoulder pads, with "1/2" on each shoulder. Had a division sign " ÷" on its chest & forehead.

Stand type- Close range/humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: C speed: B Durability: A Range: E Precision: D Potential: C

Ability -


Can punch an object causing it to divide into smaller versions of itself, with each division of the original becoming half the size of the one before.

The first fission, things are 1/2 of the original. The second Fission now it's 1/4 the size. The 3rd, now there are 8 copies but all at 1/8 the size. And so on.

The smaller the item, the easier it would be to break. The user utilized this to destroyed larger items, by dividing it mass.

For example:

Can divided a basketball into two, with each basketball half the size of the original.

Can divided again in 4 basketballs, now each ball is 1/4 the size.

Fusion -

At the user's will, can reassemble the divided copies back into its original form. With the some of the damage done to one of the smaller copies, transferring to the original full form.

Weakness -

Close range and low precision .

Require physical contact for ability to activate. With every fission requiring an additional contact.

The smaller divisions may be easier to break, but transfers less damage when reassembled. Once one division of the original is completely broken, it is returned into its original form.

May not work on living things.

Stand user-

Stand cry- Half!

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