Stand name- Vitalogy
Reference - Pearl jam album "Vitalogy"
Appearance -
lean built humanoid stand, it's skin covered in horizontal brown & white squares, appearingly made of book leather. Across its chest & limbs are white strings sewed in pattern.
It's eyes are glowing amber,
Stand type - Humanoid/short range
Stand stats -
Power: D Speed: C Durability: A Range: C Precision: D Potential: B
Ability -
Caloric healing -
Can speed up the naturally healing rate of the user or others, by burning the calories within their bodies and converting it into metabolic energy.
The healing works by using the calories inside either the users or others bodies, to dramatically accelerate a persons healing rate .
When pushed to the limit, the user is able to heal a broken bones in minutes, or even regrow an appendages.
Better man ( Pearl jam song)-
This is used more as a kind of last resort. By overcharging the users body with caloric energy, they temporarily will gain peak human abilities.
Enhancing the user's strength, speed, and senses to their full potential. Under the full effects the person can run fast enough to keep up with a car, bend metal with their bear hands, or react fast enough to dodge stand barrages.
When "better man" is used on the stand's user they will be able to actually fight stands with their own body. Their strike under the effects of better man will actually hurt stands.
Weakness -
Very low destructive abilities & precision.
The healing ability is dependent on either the amount of calories in the user or the body of the person their trying to heal.
If the person their trying to heal is on an empty stomach, it limits the amount of healing that could be done. The more severe the injury the more calories/nutrient are require.
When using "Better man" it affects only last around 5 minutes at most, and can only be used once an hour.
"Better man " drains a lot of the users energy. When it wears off it will leaves the user very tired & hungry, maybe even passing out from exhaustion.
Better man is a last resort, because it leaves the user in a incredibly vulnerable position. As best used on a full stomach or well fed.
Stand user -
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it