"They say good things don't last forever, but neither do bad things."
Stand name- Lucky someday
Reference - Glen Campbell song
Appearance -
Light green lean humanoid with dull crystal like amber like eyes.
Its legs are made of rounded vertical facing wooded planks, similar to a barrel.
Across its torsos are three rows of gold & silver rivets resembling different coins.
It posses a coin the in its default form resembles a silver dollar coin.
Stand type- long range
Stand stats-
Power: D speed: B Durability: C Range: B Precision: A Potential: C
Ability -
Coin flip-
Posses a coin, the when flip with give good or bad luck depending on which side it lands, weather heads or tails.
If it lands on tails the person who flipped it, the next time they experience a random act of minor bad luck will be fallowed by an act of good luck that is equivalent to previous bad luck.
The same is true vise versa if it lands on heads. A random acts of good luck, then something unlucky thing will happen.
The coin is able to transform into different types of coins, to get people to pick it up. Is surprising good at putting enemies into a false sense of security.
Dropping the coin by accident counts as flipping.
Throwing the coin at someone also counts.
Weakness -
Weak physical power and mediocre durability.
The coin toss is a high risk ability, can easily backfire for obvious reasons against its user.
The user does not know the result of the coin toss before it flips, it up to chance.
The coin has to land on a side for the ability to activate, does not count if someone simply places it down.
Can not recall the coin back if someone else is still holding it.
Can not flip the coin for other people to affect them, they have to flip it for themselves.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it