Royal Orleans

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"Jojo I don't know if I'm really haunted, or just going insane. I swear my cup of water to burst into fire!" They told JoJo

Stand name- Royal Orleans

Reference - Led Zepplin song

Appearance -

Humanoid stand wearing an outfits that's a cross between a classical naval officer uniform, and a jester. It green & blue.

Its shoulders are covered arched like padding. The index finger ends with a torch like appendage.

Its wears a gold & purple crown.

Stand type- humanoid

Stand stats-

Power: B speed: B Durability: C Range: C Precision: D Potential: D

Ability -

Flammable liquid-

Royal Orleans can cause liquid water to become extremely flammable.

Royal Orleans can ignite the tip of its index finger, and cause water to combust into flames and burn like gasoline (Petrol for non-Americans) or napalm.

Can influence how fast and intense water burns, from a longer slow burn to having a near instant flashpoint. But this requires Royal Orleans to be in close proximity to the flame.

In an emergency can use bodily fluids as fuel burn. Including saliva, sweat, tears, or even blood

Weakness -

Low precision & close range.

Only effect water that has come in contact with Royal Orleans finger. Only work on water in liquid form, does not work on ice or air.

The initial fire started can be put out by smothering or unaffected water. Interestingly burning water does not cause smoke but steam when it burns.

The stand is limited to existing water, with it duration in direct proportion to amount.

The further away from the fire the less control the user has over it, user is vulnerable to their own flames.

Can ignite other kinds of liquid, but to the less water it contains the less effect it has.

Only causes the surface of a body of water to catch on fire.

Stand user-

Stand cry-

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