Party Rock Anthem

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"You thought that bringing more people would give you a advantage?"

" You just made your self easier to control"

Stand name- Party Rock Anthem (P.R.A)

reference- LMFAO Song


Floating golden robot head, with black eyes and vertical bright red lines .

stand type- Neon humanoid/

stand stats- Power:E Speed:D Durability:B Range:B Precision:D Potential:D


Hypnotic persuasion -

People with in range of P.R.A will become more susceptible to hypnotic suggestions by the user. The more people with in P.R.A presence, their resistance to P.R.A is divided by the amount present. If you and another person tried to fight P.R.A your become twice as vulnerable to its effects, if there 3 your 3 times more vulnerable, and so on. P.R.A uses a enemy numbers against them. the more people you bring the weaker you become.

Using the mob to their advantaged.

Those under Party Rock Anthem effect, from their perspective the user sounds incredibly convincing and charismatic. Being more easily convinced to do things by the user. Telling them to get something, or give them info.


if your have previous knowledge of the stand ability, you have a slightly higher resistance to its effect.

Those who are deaf, appear to be completely unaffected by P.R.A hypnosis. Possibly wearing headphones may protect your from it.

The less people you have, the less potent their ability is.

Once someone leaves P.R.A range or user is knocked unconscious , the effects disappear. The user suggestion can not over power their victims sense of self preservation, so they can't tell someone to do something that endangers their life, like commit suicide or run into a traffic.

Those who feel deep emotions against the user(mostly rage), may be able to mentally drown out P.R.A command. Think like when josuke punch Rohan.

Vulnerable to long range enemies, who can attack from out of P.R.A range.

stand users-

stand cry-

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