"One cut from my bolt, I can track where you go"
Stand name- DARE
Reference - Gorillaz song
Appearance -
Takes form of a neon red repeating crossbow with glowing green lines. The side has a clear cylinder contains the crossbow bolts per reload.
Has the word DARE written on the side with bold black letters.
Stand type- long range/ tool stand
Stand stats-
Power: B speed: D Durability: B Range: A Precision: D Potential: C
Ability -
Can fire bolts in quick succession
Tracking bolts-
Anyone cut or injured by the bolt can be tracked by DARE for a limited time. Allowing the user to track others down at a distance.
Heart seeker -
Can fire a specialized glowing bolt, then when it hits target the next bolts after will home into where it landed.
The effected bolts will start glow like the heart seeker. They will seek out where the first bolt hit regardless of direction, with their flight path altering itself to its target. Bending around around obstacles.
Provided that the target stays within their range or until coming into direct contact with their intended mark
The amount of homing bolts is dependent on how difficult the shot was in the first place. with the more challenging the shot the more bolts will home in.
For example if the shot was easy maybe only 1 bolt will follow it. But if the shot was very difficult to make or from at a long range, up to 3 bolts will home in the target she the fist bolt hit.
Weakness -
The precision is dependent on the user own skill.
The tracking bolts have 5 minutes time limit, victims can potentially wait out the time. Can effects multiple people at once, can not differentiate between people.
Which can often lead to mistakes identity.
Heart seeking bolts have a shorter range, than regular bolts. The victims couple potentially escape outside of its range. The bolts can also be stopped if their trajectory is intercepted or blocked.
Heart seeker only stays active for a minute.
The victims can potentially uses others as human shields.
Heart seeker is useful for one one combat, but may be disadvantage in fighting more than one opponent.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it