"You know how things can't look bigger or smaller from different angles" the user explaining their ability to jojo
Stand name- might be giants
Reference - American rock band " They might be giants"
Appearance -
Humanoid stand with a body apparently composed of miniature buildings.
Its legs resembles glass lined sky scrapers. Its head is a classical style white gazebo with a spiral top.
Stand type- humanoid
Stand stats-
Power: D speed: C Durability: C Range: C Precision: B Potential: B
Ability -
Forced perspective manifestation-
Can alter the size of nearby objects based entirely on the users visual perspective.
The objects will shift sizes upwards or downwards, all depending on how big it looks when compared from the users sight.
If you holds a quarter up to your eye, and compared the size next to a person. From your perspective the quarter would look like the same size.
Once you let go and try to the drop the coin, it will appear next to the person compared to now at the same size as them.
This can also work in reverse, with larger objects. For instance if you see a chair at the other side of the of the room, and you pinched your fingers in way that looks like your holding up a tiny chair.
The original size chair will disappear, to reappear miniature and in your hand. Just like how in your perspective.
Weakness -
low physical power & durability
To upside something requires holding it up to either the user or "might be giants" eye.
To down size something requires a pinching motion with either the user or "might be giants" hand.
Downsizing and upsizing both require certain hand motions, a comparison of two things, and a clear mostly un-obscured line of sight.
If none of the criteria above is not met, the ability will not work
Things will eventually return to original size.
Stand user-
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it