"Everybody wants something. Could be money, love, or just wanting someone hurt"
"Everything I had to know, I heard it on my radio "
Stand name- Radio GaGa
Reference - Queen song
Appearance -
Takes the form of a slim robotic humanoid, the is mostly silver with golden brown finished near its joints.
It's eyes resemble classic car highlight, with the top of head having 2 radio antennas.
Appearance is a reference to Maschinenmensch, a Android character from the 1927 movie Metropolis.
Stand type- humanoid/ close range
Stand stats-
Power: B speed: C Durability: B Range: D Precision: D Potential: B
Ability -
Soul station -
Radio gaga basically allows the user to hear inner desire.
Radio gaga can make souls emit radio signals, that Radio gaga can pick up and vocalized. Once the signal is picked up, the speakers on Radio GaGa will say the victims deep secret desires. The radio signals of people's inner desires, are said in the voice of the victim.
The user can use this for a variety of ways. From learning others motivation, planning, physiologic warfare, ect.
The radio can be redial or tune into different "radio stations" to hear specific desires at the moment based on emotions.
Stations including : Lust, anger, envy, greed, ect.
For example: different stations
Anger: hears desires relating to anger or violence.
Lust: desires related to love
Envy: desires related wanting what others have
Greed: self explanatory
There may be some unmentioned stations
Can adjust the volume of the speakers
Weakness -
Low precision.
The soul station can only hear the desire of specific stations, every radio change causes a 2 second delay of static.
The radio can hear the desires of everyone within range, but all at once. With multiple voice talking at the same time, it maybe difficult to understand or tell who desires what.
May need the user carefully re-dialing, to "tune" in on the signal.
The stronger the desire, the louder & more clear it sounds on the Radio. But the opposite is true, the less they want something it sounds softer and harder to understand. Might not even pick up at all.
Stand user-
Stand cry- GaGa!

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it