Stand name- Skyhook
Reference - Australian rock band "Skyhooks"
Appearance -
Resembles some kind of floating sky octopus, the head is made of a puffy white cloud about the size of a basketball.
Like an octopus it's has 8 tentacles, each one made up of a mini swirling vortex each around the length of a human arm.
Stand type- Non humanoid/Automatic
Stand stats-
Power: C Speed: D Durability: C Range: B Precision: D Potential: C
Air manipulation -
can control & create air currents through it tentacles, that can suck up or blow them away items.
Is able to grab things by having its tentacles focus its vortex on it, but the heavier the item the mores tentacles are required to use it. By combing "skyhooks" tentacles the vortex becomes stronger. Strong enough to push an adult to the ground.
It takes about 3 tentacles to restrain a human hand or break a glass window. If in danger can focus a small focus blast of air into the opponents face to temporally blind them.
is able become a stationary mini tornado, but is unable to move while doing it. But causing more damage the longer in this state.
Atmospheric rift-
By combining all 8 of its tentacles creates a miniature but focus tornado of compressed air. Can be intense enough to cut through cloths & skin.
Think like a high pressure air cutter.
Weakness -
Not very impressive offensive capabilities , more for utility. The user mainly use this stand for house work.(cleaning/sweeping/writing/blowing leaves/ clearing the garden/vacuum cleaner)
It's naturally slow because it moves by floating on air currents, making it vulnerable to strong wind or bad weather. It needs it vortex tentacles to steer & propel itself.
The more tentacles it used the less control it has over its movement. while using all 8 tentacles for a tornado, Skyhooks has the least control over its movements, forcing the user to use it very sparingly.
Not suited for direct combat. But is able to defend the user.
When using atmospheric rift, has almost no control over skyhook's movement. Also draining on user stamina.
Stand user -
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it