Stand name- Brick house
Reference - Commadores song
Appearance -
Resemble a female shape humanoid being made of the nearest man made structure.
Default appearance is a red brick pattern.
Stand type - Close range
Stand Stats -
Power: B Speed: D Durability: A Range: E Precision: C Potential: C
Ability -
Body hardening-
Can harden any parts of their body, so they can resist great force.
The parts of their body that's been harden still functions normally, without negative side effects. Can selectively choose where on their body to harden.
The smaller the surface arena of the effected part, the more concentrated to hardening will be.
The body parts that are harden possess an increase to strength compared to its natural form.
Urban camouflage-
can change the harden parts into the pattern of the the nearby structures. Like walls, trees ext.
It will turn to a red brick pattern by default.
Weakness -
In exchange for durability & strength, the user lose a great amount of mobility & speed.
If "Brick house" made a fist and harden it, it would be very difficult to move any of the fingers. If not outright not able to.
If they turned their entire leg into brick they will be unable to run. To move faster it requires to reverse the effect.
Can be lessen by not turning joints into bricks, but gives an obvious weak spots.
The larger the surface area of effect, the more diluted the hardening ability will be.
Stand user -
Stand cry-

Random JoJo stand ideas
FanfictionJust my own ideas for stands, their abilities, and stats, and maybe more. Also the stands in this book are free to use, go have fun with them. You can use them for stories, OCs, or whatever... I'll update, when I feel like it